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Doctor Strange Finally Shows Up in International Thor Ragnarok Trailer VideoWe knew from the end of his own movie that Doctor Strange Benedict Cumberbatch would be showing up in Thor Ragnarok, but we hadnt seen him in trailers for the third standalone Thor film so far. Until now. The international version of the most recent trailer gives us a glimpse of the sorcerer in the upcoming Marvel blockbuster. The rest of the trailer plays out like the American one, but these quick scenes in the beginning give an idea of what the sorcerers role will be. Thor, I sense a great change in your future, he says. Destiny has dire plans for you, my friend. Also Read Thor Ragnarok Trailer Loki and Thor Team Up VideoThor responds, I have dire plans for destiny. The Doctor Strange after credits scene brought the two together for the first time. In the scene, Doctor Strange asked Thor about Loki and why the two brothers were in New York. READ MORESee Thor Ragnaroks latest POWER MOVE. Were looking for my father, Thor replied, previously declining an offer for tea and instead choosing a self filling beer mug. The sorcerer, clearly agitated by the Asgardians presence, agreed to help him after he said the group would all go back to Asgard. Watch the trailer above. Thor Ragnarok, directed by Taika Waititi, will hit theaters on Nov. All 1. 6 Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies Ranked, From Worst to Best PhotosMarvel. The Incredible Hulk 2. Released just five years after Ang Lees Hulk, this second attempt to make a leading man out of the big green Gamma radiated creature proved to be similarly disappointing. If weve learned anything from the Avengers movies, its that Bruce Banner works best when hes a supporting character and when hes played by Mark Ruffalo. Marvel. 15. Ant Man 2. While this movie deserves credit for not putting the fate of mankind on the line the stakes are more childs toy train sized the films stabs at humor seem overplayed, and little of Paul Rudds natural charm comes to the forefront of what should be a breezy caper. We can only wonder what Edgar Wrights original version might have been like. DisneyMarvel. 14. Thor 2. Director Kenneth Branagh nails the thee and thou of the Asgard segments, but the small town where the climax plays out is one of the screens cheesiest fake cities since the terrible 1. Supergirl movie. On the upside, actor Chris Hemsworth demonstrates a twinkly wit in this thunder god adventure, matched with impressive brawn. Marvel. 13. Iron Man 2 2. The best MCU movies do a good job of distracting you from all the setting up of future franchise entries this one offers so much empire building that it might as well have a Pardon Our Dust sign on it. Still, the first appearance of Scarlett Johansson as the Black Widow, dispatching a hallways worth of opponents, made an unforgettable impression. DisneyMarvel. 12. Captain America The First Avenger 2. Much as he did in The Rocketeer, director Joe Johnston excels at portraying the gloss of the 1. USO bunting. But fear not, true believers Caps onscreen adventures got way better in his subsequent solo and team movies. Marvel. 11. Thor The Dark World 2. Firmly average, yes, but an improvement on its predecessor and a straight up good time, skillfully balancing superheroics, second bananas, entertaining villains and the occasional killer one liner. By no means a cornerstone of the MCU, but this one, mostly, works. DisneyMarvel. 10. Iron Man 3 2. Director and co writer Shane Black doesnt always have the tightest grasp on the story what does the nefarious Extremis do again, and why Robert Downey, Jr. Air Force One. DisneyMarvel. The Avengers Age of Ultron 2. Its always fun when the band gets back together, but its also difficult to recapture the magic of that first time. This sequel offers plenty of excitement and Joss Whedon scripted badinage, but its also a little overstuffed with supporting characters and set ups for the next round of MCU movies. Lovers and haters of superhero movies can both find bolsters for their arguments here. DisneyMarvel. 8. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. The band is back together, and theyre as bristly hilarious as in their first outing, but overall this sequel feels like its just vamping entertainingly until the next major plot shift in the MCU. Kurt Russell pops up as Ego the Living Planet, who claims to be the long lost father of Peter QuillStar Lord Chris Pratt, and while the movie is more concerned with character and emotion than plot, not all of the moving moments ring true. DisneyMarvel. 7. Captain America Civil War 2. The plotting and pacing arent as tight as in Winter Soldier, but if youre looking for dark human conflict and rousing superhero on superhero action, this movie does a whole lot right that Batman v. Superman Dawn of Justice did wrong. DisneyMarvel. 6. Iron Man 2. It all starts here a superhero origin story for literalists who cant get behind exploding planets or radioactive spiders. The Full LEGO DC Super Heroes: Justice League - Attack Of The Legion Of Doom! Movie on this page. Jon Favreau, then most famous for directing Elf and writing and co starring in Swingers, seemed an odd choice for the material, but he knows how to give us both the characters played by Downey and Gwyneth Paltrow with panache and the ka blam. Marvel. 5. Spider Man Homecoming 2. Less guilt driven and haunted than previous iterations of the character on the page or screen, Tom Hollands Spider Man has enough on his plate dealing with his superhero growing pains. Hungry to join The Avengers but still grappling with all he has to learn hes only 1. The Vulture Michael Keaton, Birdman at last in an adventure thats breezy and funny while also featuring genuine stakes, terrific characterizations and wonderfully detailed casting. You gotta love a teen movie that works in Zendaya, Tony Revolori, Abraham Attah and J. J. Totah, plus scene stealing newcomer Jacob Batalon. SonyMarvel. Doctor Strange 2. It would be all too easy to make the spell casting Master of the Mystic Arts look ridiculous on the big screen, but somehow director Scott Derrickson and his crew gave us a version of surgeon turned magician Dr. Stephen Strange Benedict Cumberbatch, who seems at home in the real world, rubbing shoulders with the Avengers, and traversing trippy, eye popping dimensions where none other could go. Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Breezy, flippant and soaking in the super hits of the 7. Marvel Universe. Still, whether or not Rocket Raccoon and Black Widow ever cross paths, this star spanning saga was a reminder that theres more than one way to tell a superhero story. DisneyMarvel. 2. Captain America The Winter Soldier 2. Aggressive patriotism meets anti government paranoia in this exciting tale that pits the Captain against labyrinthine conspiracies. It also turns out that Steve Rogers is way more interesting displaced in time in the 2. And you will believe The Falcon can fly. DisneyMarvel. 1. The Avengers 2. Still the gold standard of the MCU, this movie reveals that Joss Whedon gets comic books down to their DNA, in the same way that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas were fluent in the language of serials in the Indiana Jones movies. Putting all these heroes in one room or helicarrier, anyway yielded terrific results, even if the films success led to the all superheroes all the time ethos of contemporary Hollywood. DisneyMarvel. Previous Slide. Next Slide. The. Wrap critic Alonso Duralde orders the MCU, including Spider Man Homecoming.