Download Futurama: The Beast With A Billion Backs Movie Score' title='Download Futurama: The Beast With A Billion Backs Movie Score' />Remember when Studio Wildcard said it was going to wipe the Ark Survival Evolved servers prior to launch, and then it said it wouldnt Well, now its going to. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. Download free full unlimited movies There are millions of movies, videos and TV shows you can download direct to your PC. From Action, Horror, Adventure, Children. Futurama message board. Includes TV schedules, votings, a chatroom and a weekly featured episode for fan reviews. Futurama The Beast with a Billion Backs is a 2008 American animated sciencefiction comedy film and the second of the four Futurama straighttoDVD films. The film. The new Tomb Raider games are great, but sometimes you just want to go back and play the classics. And sometimes you want to go back and play the classics but with. List of Futurama guest stars. This is a list of guest stars who appeared on Futurama, an animated comedy created by Matt Groening. Like Groenings other animated show, The Simpsons, Futurama features a large number of celebrity guests contributing their voices to the show, whether as themselves or as fictional characters. This list does not include those celebrities whose voices were impersonated. Due to the futuristic setting of the show the majority of the guest stars playing themselves are actually playing their own disembodied heads in a jar. Guest stars are listed in chronological order by episode. Each episodes guest stars are listed in alphabetical order. People who guest star in multiple episodes are listed for each separate episode they appear in as such if they play multiple roles in one episode these will be listed together. There are several non regular voices who make appearances but are credited as also starring and not guest voices. These voices are not mentioned here. Guest starseditLeonard Nimoy guest starred as his bodyless head in the pilot episode of the series. Tom Kenny has voiced several different characters throughout the series. Beck is the only musician to have a major role in an episode. Season. Number. Episode title. Guest star. Roles1. Space Pilot 3. 00. Clark, Dick. Dick Clark. Himself11. 1Space Pilot 3. Nimoy, Leonard. Leonard Nimoy. Himself11. 5Fear of a Bot PlanetKenny, Tom. Tom Kenny. Computer Judge. A Fishful of DollarsAnderson, Pamela. Pamela Anderson. Herself21. A Big Piece of GarbageCartwright, Nancy. Nancy Cartwright. Bart Simpson doll. A Big Piece of GarbagePopeil, Ron. Ron Popeil. Himself. Hell Is Other RobotsCastellaneta, Dan. Dan Castellaneta. Robot Devil11. 9Hell Is Other RobotsDiamond, Mike. Mike Diamond. Himself31. Hell Is Other RobotsHorovitz, Adam. Adam Horovitz. Himself. A Flight to RememberLewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. La. Barbara Conrad. Fry and the Slurm FactoryAnderson, Pamela. Pamela Anderson. Dixie22. A Head in the PollsSchiffer, Claudia. Claudia Schiffer. Herself. 21. 7Xmas StoryGoodman, John. John Goodman. Robot Santa. Xmas StoryOBrien, Conan. Conan OBrien. Himself. The Lesser of Two EvilsBarker, Bob. Bob Barker. Himself. Raging BenderLittle, Rich. Rich Little. Himself. Raging BenderKenny, Tom. Tom Kenny. Abner Doubledeal. Masked Unit. 22. 4How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove BackLewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. La. Barbara Conrad. How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove BackDunn, Nora. Nora Dunn. Morgan Proctor. The Deep South, Donovan. Donovan. Himself. The Deep SouthPosey, Parker. Parker Posey. Umbriel. The Problem with PopplersHendrie, Phil. Phil Hendrie. Free Waterfall Jr. Anthology of Interest I The Unfreeze of a LifetimeGore, Al. Al Gore. Himself. Anthology of Interest I The Unfreeze of a LifetimeGygax, Gary. Gary Gygax. Himself. Anthology of Interest I The Unfreeze of a LifetimeHawking, Stephen. Stephen Hawking. Himself. Anthology of Interest I The Unfreeze of a LifetimeNichols, Nichelle. Nichelle Nichols. Herself. 23. 0War Is The H WordSusman, Todd. Todd Susman. P. A. Announcer. 23. 2The Cryonic WomanShore, Pauly. Pauly Shore. Himself. The Cryonic WomanSilverman, Sarah. Sarah Silverman. Michelle. Amazon Women in the MoodArthur, Beatrice. Beatrice Arthur. Femputer. A Tale of Two Santas, Coolio. Coolio. Kwanzaabot. The Luck of the FryrishKenny, Tom. Tom Kenny. Yancy Fry Jr. Andy Goldman. 33. The Birdbot of Ice CatrazHendrie, Phil. Phil Hendrie. Free Waterfall Sr. Old Man Waterfall. Bendless LoveHooks, Jan. Jan Hooks. Angleyne. Thats LobstertainmentAzaria, Hank. Hank Azaria. Harold Zoid. The Cyber House RulesKenny, Tom. Tom Kenny. Adlai Atkins. The Route of All EvilRobinson, Bumper. Bumper Robinson. Dwight Conrad. The Route of All EvilLewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. La. Barbara Conrad. Bendin in the Wind, Beck. Beck. Himself. 34. I Dated a RobotLiu, Lucy. Lucy Liu. Herself. A Leela of Her OwnLewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. Jackie Anderson. A Leela of Her OwnUecker, Bob. Bob Uecker. Himself. A Leela of Her OwnAaron, Hank. Hank Aaron. Himself and own descendant. A Leela of Her OwnKenny, Tom. Tom Kenny. Abdner Doubledeal. Future StockKenny, Tom. Tom Kenny. Commercial Announcer. Love and RocketWeaver, Sigourney. Sigourney Weaver. Planet Express Ship. Love and RocketLiu, Lucy. Lucy Liu. Herself44. A Taste of FreedomHendrie, Phil. Phil Hendrie. Old Man Waterfall. Frida Waterfall. 46. Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TVRobinson, Bumper. Bumper Robinson. Dwight Conrad. Jurassic BarkKenny, Tom. Tom Kenny. Yancy Fry Jr. Crimes of the HotGore, Al. Al Gore. Himself. Teenage Mutant Leelas HurdlesLewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. La. Barbara Conrad. The Why of FryOdenkirk, Bob. Bob Odenkirk. Chaz. Where No Fan Has Gone BeforeTakei, George. George Takei. Himself54. Where No Fan Has Gone BeforeFrakes, Jonathan. Jonathan Frakes. Himself54. Where No Fan Has Gone BeforeNimoy, Leonard. Leonard Nimoy. Himself54. Where No Fan Has Gone BeforeNichols, Nichelle. Nichelle Nichols. Herself54. 65Where No Fan Has Gone BeforeKoenig, Walter. Walter Koenig. Himself54. Where No Fan Has Gone BeforeShatner, William. William Shatner. Himself54. The StingLewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. La. Barbara Conrad. Bend HerLewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. La. Barbara Conrad. Three Hundred Big BoysBarr, Roseanne. Roseanne Barr. Herself. The Devils Hands Are Idle PlaythingsCastellaneta, Dan. Dan Castellaneta. Robot Devil15. 73Benders Big Score Part 1Lewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. La. Barbara Conrad. Benders Big Score Part 2Gore, Al. Al Gore. Himself. Benders Big Score Part 2Lewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. La. Barbara Conrad. Benders Big Score Part 2Silverman, Sarah. Sarah Silverman. Michelle. Benders Big Score Part 2Kenny, Tom. Tom Kenny. Yancy Fry Jr. Benders Big Score Part 3Lewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. La. Barbara Conrad. Benders Big Score Part 4Gore, Al. Al Gore. Himself. Benders Big Score Part 4, Coolio. Coolio. Kwanzaabot. Benders Big Score Part 4Lewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. La. Barbara Conrad. Benders Big Score Part 4Hamill, Mark. Mark Hamill. Chanukah Zombie. The Beast with a Billion Backs Part 1Murphy, Brittany. Brittany Murphy. Colleen OHallahan. The Beast with a Billion Backs Part 1Hawking, Stephen. Stephen Hawking. Himself. The Beast with a Billion Backs Part 2Murphy, Brittany. Brittany Murphy. Colleen OHallahan. The Beast with a Billion Backs Part 3Murphy, Brittany. Brittany Murphy. Colleen OHallahan. The Beast with a Billion Backs Part 3Cross, David. David Cross. Yivo. The Beast with a Billion Backs Part 4Murphy, Brittany. Brittany Murphy. Colleen OHallahan. The Beast with a Billion Backs Part 4Castellaneta, Dan. Dan Castellaneta. Robot Devil. 58. 0The Beast with a Billion Backs Part 4Cross, David. David Cross. Yivo. Benders Game Part 1Takei, George. George Takei. Himself. Benders Game Part 1Little, Rich. Rich Little. Himself. Benders Game Part 4Gygax, Gary. Gary Gygax. Himself scene from Anthology of Interest I5. Into the Wild Green Yonder Part 1Hendrie, Phil. Phil Hendrie. Frida Waterfall. Hutch Waterfall. 58. Into the Wild Green Yonder Part 1Jillette, Penn. Penn Jillette. Himself. Into the Wild Green Yonder Part 1, Teller. Teller. Himself credited although he has no speaking role5. Into the Wild Green Yonder Part 1Mac. Farlane, Seth. Seth Mac. Farlane. Mars Vegas Singer. Into the Wild Green Yonder Part 2Hendrie, Phil. Phil Hendrie. Frida Waterfall. Hutch Waterfall. 58. Into the Wild Green Yonder Part 3Lewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. La. Barbara Conrad. Into the Wild Green Yonder Part 3Hendrie, Phil. Phil Hendrie. Frida Waterfall. Hutch Waterfall. 58. Into the Wild Green Yonder Part 4Lewis, Dawnn. Dawnn Lewis. La. Barbara Conrad. Prison Warden. 58. Into the Wild Green Yonder Part 4Hendrie, Phil. Phil Hendrie. Hutch Waterfall. The Encyclopod. 58. Into the Wild Green Yonder Part 4Dogg, Snoop. Watch Free Movies Online Rango. Snoop Dogg. Himself. In A Gadda Da LeelaElliott, Chris. Chris Elliott. V Giny. Attack of the Killer AppFerguson, Craig. Craig Ferguson. Susan. Proposition InfinityTakei, George.