Drawing on the extensive evidence linking dopamine cell activity to positive reinforcement, we formulated the dopamine transfer deficit DTD hypothesis as an explanation for altered processing of positive reinforcement in children with ADHD 2. The background of this theory is the neurobiology of reinforcement previously described. We assume that in normal humans, as in nonhuman primates and rats, the same 3 processes occur 1 phasic dopamine signals that transfer from established positive reinforcers to earlier cues that predict reinforcers, 2 dopamine dependent strengthening of connections, and 3 a precise timing requirement for the dopamine signal. Thus, the repeated experience of a cue followed by a reinforcer leads to transfer of dopamine cell responses from established reinforcers e. When this process occurs normally, it provides a mechanism of ensuring that the timing of the dopamine signal at the cellular level is immediate and continuous even when behavioral reinforcement is delayed or discontinuous. This immediate and continuous dopamine signal ensures that even in a natural environment in which reinforcers fluctuate according to the circumstances, the cellular mechanism is able to engage effectively and maintain reinforced behavior. In ADHD, we propose the transfer of the dopamine response to previously neutral cues is disrupted. In particular, we assume that the phasic dopamine cell response to cues that predict reinforcement is reduced in amplitude to the point of being ineffective i. In addition, we assume there is a failure of the mechanism that inhibits dopamine cell firing at the time of the primary reinforcement. The net result of these 2 assumptions is a failure of the dopamine signal to transfer to the earlier cues that predict reinforcement. Instead, the dopamine signal continues to occur at the time of established positive reinforcers. Moreover, if the reinforcer is intermittent or delayed, the dopamine signal is likewise intermittent and delayed. We argue as follows that this may cause key symptoms of ADHD. The exact nature and cause of the failure is currently unknown. However, there are many ways that such failure might occur. For example, altered dopamine transporter function, or altered dopamine receptor function, as a consequence of genetic polymorphisms in these molecular mechanisms, could disrupt the transfer process. Other possibilities also exist, such as abnormalities in the systems that are afferent to the dopamine cells, which may include prefrontal cortical mechanisms. The precise cause of the deficient transfer, however, is a separate matter from the symptoms that can be predicted from it. We predict that such failure would lead to a number of symptoms of ADHD. As a consequence of failure to predict reinforcers, individuals with ADHD experience a delayed dopamine signal delayed reinforcement, or no signal discontinuous reinforcement at the cellular level, rather than the immediate anticipatory dopamine signal experienced by typically developing individuals. This would make them abnormally sensitive to delayed or discontinuous reinforcement. It would also have the effect of making individual instances of actual reinforcement more salient, which may result in greater control by incidental stimuli in the environment over the integrated history of reinforcement. These corollaries are developed more fully in earlier theoretical articles 2. DTD is only one of several recent theories addressing the neurobiology of altered reinforcement sensitivity and ADHD, which have also been reviewed in detail by Luman et al. This is emphasized here because its predictions are testable and have implications for the selection of animal models for developing new drug treatments for ADHD. The assumption that dopamine signaling in humans parallels that measured in experimental animals has some support from functional magnetic resonance imaging f. MRI studies. Changes in blood flow and oxygenation measured by f. MRI signals are thought to provide an indirect measure of dopamine release. In particular, dopamine may activate postsynaptic neurons by potentiation of corticostriatal synapses, and therefore increase local f. MRI signals 9. 7. Functional activations in the dorsal striatum occur in relation to reinforcement of an action 9. Recent functional studies in humans have been enhanced by the use of models based on the temporal difference algorithm for predicting reinforcement. This machine learning algorithm generates prediction error signals that correlate with dopamine signals in primates during Pavlovian conditioning 1. In human studies, responses to cues predicting a juice reinforcer have been measured in the ventral and dorsal striatum. The ventral striatal area was affected by prediction error estimated from a temporal difference model in both Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning, whereas the dorsal striatal was affected by instrumental conditioning 1. Evidence from recent f. MRI studies provides support for the DTD hypothesis of impaired anticipatory dopamine cell firing in ADHD. In normal subjects, preference for immediate in comparison with delayed reinforcement is associated with the magnitude of ventral striatal activity 1. Adolescents 1. 05 and adults 1. ADHD show reduced activation in the ventral striatum in response to cues predicting reinforcement in monetary incentive delay tasks 1. Stoy et al. 1. 09 also reported a larger neural response in the putamen of adult control participants versus those with ADHD during gain anticipation with a monetary incentive delay task. These studies are consistent with the assumption of reduced response to cues. Evidence for the assumption that dopamine cells continue to fire in response to established positive reinforcers is more equivocal. Strohle et al. 1. ADHD participants in response to reinforced outcome. Neither the studies of Scheres et al. Stoy et al. 1. 09 found group differences in response to reinforcement, however, their studies were not designed to test DTD. In a study designed to test DTD assumptions directly, Furukawa et al. There are several ADHD symptoms that can be interpreted as arising from a dysfunction in the transfer of dopamine cell firing. Symptoms of inattention include often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities and is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli. These symptoms occur with higher frequency in children with ADHD, and may be explained by impaired anticipatory dopamine release. The reason for this is that if the dopamine release occurs only in response to actual instances of reinforcement, incidental aspects of the environment that activate dopamine neurons may reinforce off task behaviors rather than the socially established cues present in classroom situations. Other symptoms of inattention can be interpreted as failure of conditioned reinforcers leading to increased sensitivity to delay of reinforcement and less effective performance under schedules of partial reinforcement. These include often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace, and often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort. The DTD theory also explains some symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity. Leaked Emails Reveal Bill de Blasio Gets Kind of Dad Feisty When His Staff Forgets to Help Him Speak Spanish. On Tuesday, notorious rag the New York Post took a swing at the king, publishing excerpts from emails sent by NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to staffers and claiming that the emails proved beyond all doubt de Blasio is an imperious bully of a boss who threatens his underlings with dire punishment if they fail to meet his demands. Spoilers This particular political email controversy is really about two things. The first is that de Blasio is being continually foiled, like a feckless park ranger in a Hanna Barbera cartoon, in his quest to have his staff type out scripted remarks phonetically. The second is that Post readers apparently remain reliably willing to whip themselves into a frothy lather about some of the dumbest controversies on the planet. In one of the emails, apparently written in relation to Upper East Side synagogue Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, de Blasio wrote This is literally the 1. I am reminding you all that phonetic spellings require one syllable to be capitalized to indicate emphasis in pronunciation. I have no idea why you guys cant get it. All of the folks in comms, speechwriting and my personal staff who looked at these remarksit just takes ONE to catch it. How can it be that none of you noticed the absence with the word Jeshurun. Watch From Beyond Free Online there. Work on quality control pls. Fix these remarks now pls. Example pho NET ic. In a later email with the completely unremarkable subject line Guys, Im fed up., de Blasio asked staff to please, for the love of god, just help him out with his Spanish like he asked a million times before I have raised the problem of inconsistency in providing phonetic pronunciation and in providing clearly delineated Spanish with emphasis on the proper syllable many, many times. And yet between all of you, you havent fix sic the problem, which is bluntly unprofessional. One City Hall source, who is definitely not just some random disgruntled conservative, told the Post, Hes condescending and arrogant. Ive been in plenty of meetings with him. Hes known to kick staff out of meetings. These emails were sent in January and February of 2. Blasio took office, so hopefully the mayor has located someone capable of following simple, written instructions to help him not look like an idiot by now. Because otherwise, de Blasio might need to mildly chastise you, without like, swearing or anything, and then someone might forward one or two of those emails to the Post. Two years later. Of course, this tailor made for idiots email controversy is rich coming from this particular paper, which has published histrionic grievances about everything from lazy millennials, the need to crack down on the homeless, affirmative action, millennials that wont vote for Donald Trump, CNN, the manifesto writing Google engineer, construction scaffolding, politicians who dont ride the subway and politicians who do ride the subway to anyonestandingin. Times. Square. Can you even imagine how angry theyd be at those idiot bureaucrats in City Hall if they were embarrassing a Republican mayor What a story that would be. Also, didnt the Post think leaking internal government documents was treason or something Huh.