Buffalo Wikitravel. For other places with the same name, see Buffalo disambiguation. Buffalo. Discussion on defining district borders for Buffalo is in progress. If you know the city pretty well, please share your opinion on the talk page. The second largest city in New York State and situated in the Niagara Frontier, Buffalo is a city full of surprises. Though Buffalo is often the butt of jokes about chicken wings, its long suffering sports teams, and the mountains of snow under which it is buried each winter, local residents and others who are in the know tell another story one of great nightlife, good museums and cultural attractions, and tight knit neighborhoods with community spirit and a real sense of place. A great part of Buffalos appeal to many visitors is the still palpable sense of its history as an important industrial center. Historic buildings and sites around town tell the story of a city that was great once and has all the tools in place to be great again. Pixar Animation Studios est une socit amricaine de production de films en images tridimensionnelles de synthse. Son sige social nomm Pixar Campus est. UnderstandeditBuffalo has a population as of 2. Buffalo Niagara Falls Metropolitan Area. Buffalo is the economic and cultural center of the Western New York region. Though for the past half century it has been rightly considered a stagnant working class city that has suffered from the after effects of deindustrialization, Buffalos economy has turned around. Perhaps surprisingly given its history as a center of heavy industry, Buffalo has also recently been cited as the third cleanest city in the United States. Recently, Buffalo was named one of the Dozen Distinctive Destinations for 2. National Trust for Historic Preservation, whose 2. National Preservation Conference was held in Buffalo and was the largest and best attended of these annual conferences in the history of that organization. Other titles bestowed on Buffalo in recent years include a placement among the 4. Places to Visit in 2. New York Times, the All America City Award for the years 1. U. S. to raise a family, according to a 2. Forbes magazine. HistoryeditThough the Buffalo area had been settled by the Iroquois since well before Columbus and was visited periodically by French fur trappers beginning in the 1. Century, Buffalos history per se begins in 1. That year saw the arrival of Joseph Ellicott, one of the most important agents of the Holland Land Company, a syndicate of investors from the Netherlands that had purchased a huge tract of frontier land in Western New York. Though the Holland Purchase was almost all wilderness at the time, Ellicott felt that the confluence of the Buffalo River and Lake Erie had the potential to be the site of a thriving settlement. A selection of superb mobile games that make Googlepowered phones and tablets come alive. Up is a 2009 American 3D computeranimated comedyadventure film produced by Pixar Animation. Directed by Gary Rydstrom. With Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Kristen Schaal. The toys throw Ken and Barbie a Hawaiian vacation in Bonnies room. Michael Giacchino, Composer Ratatouille. Michael Giacchino is an American composer of music for films, television and video games. Giacchino composed the scores to. The secondlargest city in New York State and situated in the Niagara Frontier, Buffalo is a city full of surprises. Though Buffalo is often the butt of jokes about. The Little Mermaid. Venture under the sea where Ariel, a freespirited mermaid princess, longs to be part of the human world. See More. He gave the name New Amsterdam to the village he laid out there, though it was soon renamed Buffalo after the adjacent river. Despite Ellicotts aspirations, Buffalo remained a tiny frontier outpost whose main claim to fame during its very early history was as the site of several important military installations and battles during the War of 1. British troops in December 1. Niagara Frontier Campaign of that war. That all changed with the completion of the Erie Canal in 1. Buffalo after a hotly contested dispute with the neighboring village of Black Rock later to be annexed by its rival. The Erie Canal extended eastward from Lake Erie to the Hudson River at Albany, a distance of 3. The most ambitious work of infrastructure undertaken in the U. S. up to that time, the Erie Canal greatly lowered transportation costs and singlehandedly made large scale settlement of the lands west of the Appalachians economically viable. The magnitude of the Erie Canals commercial importance is illustrated by the fact that in the first five years after its completion, Buffalos population more than tripled to 8,6. Buffalo was finally incorporated as a city. Located in the shadow of downtown, the Commercial Slip seen here was once the western end of the Erie Canal. Today it is the centerpiece of the Canalside redevelopment, featuring museums, restaurants, historic exhibits, and a full slate of annual festivals. Buffalos early economic mainstay was as a transshipment port, where grain from the Midwest was unloaded from lake freighters and transferred to canal boats headed for New York City. It was in Buffalo where the worlds first grain elevator was constructed in 1. Buffalo Harbor. Over the second half of the 1. Century, the Erie Canal gradually became obsolete, but that scarcely affected Buffalos explosive growth. Instead, the city maintained its status as a transportation hub by transitioning into the second most important railroad center in the U. S. after Chicago the New York Central, Pennsylvania, Michigan Central, Nickel Plate, Erie, DL W, West Shore, and Lehigh Valley Railroads all passed through Buffalo at the height of the railroad era. Free Flash online fun and games based on Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios movies and cartoons, also with desktop wallpaper pictures. Up is a 2009 American 3D computeranimated comedyadventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Pete Docter. Pixar Play Parade was a parade at Disney California Adventure. The parade features floats and. In addition, the steel industry became a major player in the local economy in 1. Lackawanna Steel Company moved its base of operations from Scranton, Pennsylvania to a site just south of the city line. By 1. 90. 0, the city boasted a population of over 3. United States. The Pan American Exposition was a Worlds Fair that was held in Buffalo in 1. Buffalos proximity to Niagara Falls, a site of early ventures in the generation of hydroelectricity, gifted it with the cheapest electricity in the nation at the time. Though the dazzling sight of the fairgrounds, illuminated by night with this new technology, earned Buffalo the enduring nickname City of Light, the Pan American Expositions main historical significance is much more somber in nature it was at the Exposition on September 6, 1. Dug_and_alpha-betta-gamma.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140428173450' alt='Dug`S Special Mission Free Online' title='Dug`S Special Mission Free Online' />U. S. President William Mc. Kinley was fatally shot by anarchist Leon Czolgosz, moments after concluding a speech at the Temple of Music. Buffalo continued to grow during the first part of the 2. Century. However, trends were beginning to emerge that would, by 1. As in other American cities, wealthier residents began to leave their homes in town for quieter, greener suburban properties outside the city line. This began in the 1. Buffalos older suburbs, such as Kenmore, Eggertsville, Pine Hill, and Snyder, date to this timeand kicked into high gear during the post World War II economic boom. At the same time, the growing American middle class began to migrate in ever larger numbers to areas in the West and South with milder climates, at the further expense of the cities of the Northeast. The construction of the Interstate Highway System fueled suburbanization at the same time that it contributed to the decline of the railroads and of Buffalos port, as goods could be shipped more cheaply by truck. However, the single most important cause of the free fall that Buffalo suffered during the late 2. Century was the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1. Historically, Buffalos importance as a port was largely due to the barrier that Niagara Falls posed to shipping. However, thanks to the expansion of the Welland Canal as part of the Seaway, freighters loaded with grain and other goods could now access the ocean directly via the St. Lawrence River, rather than stopping at Buffalo to transfer their cargo to railroad cars headed east. Within ten years of the Seaways inauguration, most of the grain elevators at Buffalo Harbor had been abandoned, and the port that was once filled to capacity with ships was now nearly empty. As well, the steel plant in Lackawanna closed its doors for good beginning in 1. By 1. 98. 0, Buffalos population was roughly equal to what it had been in 1. To add insult to injury, during the 1. Buffalos civic leaders responded to the deteriorating social conditions in the city by demolishing in the name of urban renewal and slum clearance ethnic neighborhoods in such places as the Ellicott District and the Lower West Side that, though working class, were in many cases healthy and vibrant. Pixar Animation Studios Wikipdia. Pixar Animation Studios est une socitamricaine de production de films en images tridimensionnelles de synthse. Son sige social nomm Pixar Campus est situ Emeryville, en Californie. Oscars du cinma, quatre Golden Globes et trois Grammy Awards ainsi que de nombreuses autres rcompenses. Le studio est surtout connu pour ses longs mtrages danimation en images de synthse crs avec Photo. Realistic Render. Man, sa propre version de linterface de programmation de rendu. Render. Man utilise pour crer des images de haute qualit. Pixar a t cr en 1. Graphics Group, un service de la Lucasfilm Computer Division division informatique de Lucasfilm avant dtre achet par le cofondateur dApple, Steve Jobs, en 1. La socit a tent de diversifier ses activits avec la production dun ordinateur, le Pixar Image Computer. Mais cest dans le domaine de lanimation que la socit a t rentable avec des longs mtrages coproduits avec Disney partir de 1. La socit a t rachete par The Walt Disney Company en 2. Walt Disney Pictures. Divx Avi Ipod Barbie And The Magic Of Pegasus 3-D. Le studio a ralis dix huit longs mtrages, qui ont dbut avec Toy Story en 1. Pixar a poursuivi lexprience de Toy Story avec 1. Toy Story 2 en 1. Monstres et Cie en 2. Le Monde de Nemo en 2. Les Indestructibles en 2. Cars en 2. 00. 6, Ratatouille en 2. WALL E en 2. 00. L haut en 2. Pixar prsent en Disney Digital 3 D, Toy Story 3 en 2. Cars 2 en 2. 01. 1, Rebelle en 2. Monstres Academy en 2. Vice Versa en 2. 01. Le Voyage dArlo en 2. Le Monde de Dory en 2. Cars 3 en 2. 01. 7. Parmi les seize films de Pixar sortis aprs la cration de lOscar du meilleur film danimation en 2. Le Monde de Nemo, Les Indestructibles, Ratatouille, WALL E, L haut, Toy Story 3,Rebelle et Vice Versa lont remport. Pixar a dabord t fond en tant que Graphics Group, un service de la division informatique Computer Division de Lucasfilm Ltd. Edwin Catmull, du New York Institute of Technology NYIT1, o il tait responsable du laboratoire graphique de luniversit, le Computer Graphics Lab CGL. Au NYIT, les chercheurs ont initi de nombreuses techniques de graphisme par ordinateur qui sont dsormais tenues pour acquises et ont travaill sur un film exprimental intitul The Works. Lorsque le groupe est pass Lucasfilm, lquipe a travaill sur la cration du prcurseur de Render. Man, nomm Motion Doctor, qui permettait aux animateurs habitus lanimation traditionnelle dutiliser lanimation par ordinateur avec un minimum de formation1. Lquipe commence alors travailler sur des squences de film produites par Lucasfilm avec Industrial Light Magic pour les effets spciaux1. Aprs des annes de travail, et des travaux sur des films comme Star Trek 2 La Colre de Khan et Le Secret de la pyramide1, le groupe, qui comptait environ 4. Steve Jobs peu de temps aprs son dpart dApple3. Jobs a dbours 5 millions de USD pour acheter le service graphique de George Lucas et a pay 5 autres millions pour fonder et donner un capital la nouvelle socit4,5,6,7. Un facteur ayant contribu la vente par Lucas fut laugmentation de ses problmes de trsorerie dus son divorce en 1. Star Wars aprs la sortie du Retour du Jedi et le dsastre au box office de Howard. La nouvelle socit dnomme Pixar est enregistre le 3fvrier. Californie8. Cette nouvelle socit indpendante tait dirige par Edwin Catmull et Alvy Ray Smith, Steve Jobs tant la fois le prsident du conseil dadministration et le chief executive officer9. Luxo Jr., emblme intgr au logo de Pixar. Initialement, Pixar tait une entreprise de matriel informatique haut de gamme dont le produit principal tait le Pixar Image Computer, un systme essentiellement vendu des organismes gouvernementaux et au secteur mdical. Lun des principaux acheteurs du Pixar Image Computer tait Disney, qui utilisait le systme dans le cadre de son projet CAPS, afin de passer de la mthode laborieuse danimation du ink and paint une mthode plus automatise et donc plus efficace. Le Pixar Image Computer ne sest jamais bien vendu1. Dans le but den augmenter les ventes, lemploy de Pixar John Lasseter qui avait pendant longtemps cr de courtes dmonstrations danimation telles que Luxo Jr. SIGGRAPH, le plus grand sminaire de lindustrie de linfographie1. Pixar menaaient de mettre la socit en faillite, le dpartement animation de Lasseter a commenc la production de publicits animes par ordinateur pour des entreprises extrieures. Les premiers succs sont survenus avec des publicits pour des marques telles que Tropicana, Listerine et Life Savers1. Durant cette priode, Pixar a continu entretenir de solides relations avec Walt Disney Feature Animation, un studio dont lentreprise mre, terme, deviendra son partenaire le plus important. En 1. 99. 0, la socit ralise une perte nette de 8,3 millions de 1. Elle se spare le 3. La mme anne, la socit alors hberge par Lucasfilm dans leurs locaux du Comt de Marin, le Skywalker Ranch, dmnage dans ses propres bureaux Richmond1. En mai 1. 99. 1, aprs de nombreux licenciements dans le dpartement informatique de la socit, Pixar signe un contrat de 2. Disney pour produire trois longs mtrages danimation, dont le premier a t Toy Story. Malgr cela, la socit cotait tellement que Steve Jobs a envisag de la vendre. Cest seulement aprs la confirmation que Disney distribuera Toy Story pour les ftes de fin danne de 1. Le film a recueilli plus de 3. USD de recettes brutes dans le monde. Aprs le film Toy Story ralis en partenariat avec la Walt Disney Company, la socit Pixar a sign un accord le 2. Disney cinq longs mtrages danimation totalement en image de synthse durant les 1. Disney de 5 du capital de Pixar1. Largent rcolt permet a Pixar demmnager dans des nouveaux locaux, au 1. Park Avenue Emeryville, dsormais nomm Pixar Campus1. En 1. 99. 8, 1. 00. Toy Story 2 1. 99. Disneymodifier modifier le codeDurant la production de Toy Story 2, Pixar et Disney commencent avoir des points de dsaccord. Toy Story 2, la suite de Toy Story, tait dabord destin une sortie directement en vido. Pour Disney, cette production ne faisait pas partie du contrat des trois films sign en 1. Toutefois le film est finalement sorti en salles, la suite dune dcision prise pendant la production. Pixar a alors demand quil soit inclus dans les trois films prvus par le contrat, mais Disney a refus1. Pixar se voit donc contraint de produire trois autres films indits, exceptions faites dventuelles suites. Pixar produit donc Monstres et Cie 2. Le Monde de Nemo 2. Les Indestructibles 2. Le 6 fvrier 2. 00. Steve Jobs, PDG de Pixar, chercherait un autre distributeur pour les films de son studio2. Fin 2. 00. 3, Pixar na plus quun seul film faire pour raliser sa part du contrat, ce sera Cars, prvu pour 2. Depuis 1. 99. 5, lassociation avec Disney a t fructueuse, les cinq premiers longs mtrages de Pixar ont recueilli eux cinq plus de 2,5 milliards de dollars, soit le revenu moyen par film le plus haut de lindustrie, bien que Pixar et Disney aient tous deux profit de ces revenus. Pixar se plaindra plus tard que laccord ntait pas quitable. Pixar tait responsable de la cration et de la production, tandis que Disney grait le marketing et la distribution. Les profits et les cots de production taient rpartis 5. Disney avait la possession exclusive de lhistoire et des droits de suite ainsi que les droits de distribution. Labsence de la possession de lhistoire et des droits de suite est peut tre un des aspects les plus lourds pour Pixar et a cr les conditions de mauvaises relations entre Disney et Pixar2. Toy Story 2. Dbut 2. Disney et Pixar, les deux socits ont cherch dfinir un nouveau contrat, Pixar le souhaitant plus quitable. Le nouveau contrat ne portait que sur la distribution, Pixar devant contrler la production et avoir la proprit des films.