Alison Read 2. Comments Add Your Own Vitiligo and celiac disease is a topic I have been meaning to write about for a while now. I have both, and believe there is a connection between vitiligo and gluten intolerance. I have found out more on this topic from the readers of this blog than any other source out there, and hope that this incredible information reaches those with vitiligo who are told there is no known cause. Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterized by smooth, white patches on various parts of the body that occur due to loss of pigment. This loss of pigment often starts on the hands, feet and face, and then can progress to other parts of the body. Hair can turn white where there is a vitiligo patch. Vitiligo is not physically painful, but can be quite emotionally devastating as it affects ones appearance. The picture below is of me as a child with vitiligo on my face. It appeared symmetrically below my eyes, but asymmetrically on my legs 8 spots on only one side of my body. The spots on my face re pigmented with the treatment at that time 1. UV light treatments at Stanford. The spots on my legs remained into adulthood, never getting any bigger or smaller. When I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2. I didnt think about the vitiligo, but over the past years since being on a gluten free diet, the patches have begun filling in with spots of pigment of various colors, even some darker than my original skin color. I was always self conscious about the white patches on my legs as a child. Today, you can barely make out their outlines. Vitiligo is an auto immune disease, because the immune system attacks the pigment producing cells of the body. It is thought that lack of folic acid and B1. Vitiligo has been associated with celiac disease, which causes malabsorption of vital nutrients, so it makes sense that these two conditions can coexist. Though studies have stated the relationship of the two autoimmune diseases, little or no information has been presented from an anecdotal point of view what happens to the patient with vitiligo if they go on a gluten free diet I have received many emails asking me if vitiligo will go away on a gluten free diet. Because of these inquiries, I decided to ask celiac disease expert Peter Green about it when I saw him at a conference. He said that he has seen vitiligo reverse on a gluten free diet if caught early enough. I also decided to follow up with some of the people that emailed me to see if anything had changed with their vitiligo since being on a gluten free diet. I was astounded at what I found. Out of 8 people I emailed, 5 emailed me back. Of those 5, 3 people had seen the vitiligo reverse Of the remaining 2, one had not tried a gluten free diet, and one had not seen change with the gluten free diet, but had also been diagnosed with dairy and yeast allergy, so perhaps there is more to eliminate from the diet before seeing a change. So, of 4 people who tried a gluten free diet, 3 had positive results 7. Here is what they said Woman with vitiligo Yes, my pigment is coming back on my knees where Ive had lesions since age 9 Im 3. I also have not had any advancing vitiligo lesions since Ive been gluten free. Im not currently doing any treatment, and my pigment is coming back slowly but surely on my legs, some on my hands, and a little on my shoulders. There doesnt seem to be any changes on my lesions on my abdomen or feet, however. As previously stated, I do have freckling on myhands, which is surprising. The best part of all is that I feel so much better physically and mentally. I cant even think of consuming gluten. YUCKFather of a child with vitiligo It has substantially improved. We finally found a physician who took this very serious, performed subsequent tests and found that due to her inflamed bowels she was not absorbing vitamins she also has very short hair. In a very short time, with increased vitamin intake, gluten free everything has improvedWoman with vitiligo Yes the vitiligo did change. I think I remember telling you that it was not noticeable until I got a tan. Then portions of my upper thigh would not tan with the rest of my skin. When I was feeling my worst it spread to my upper back and shoulder in small patches. The upper thigh has not changed since my teens BUT this past summer I got a tan while planning my destination wedding and no patches on my back or shoulder This is very exciting news since my wedding dress is backless. Please, if any others out there have seen their vitiligo change on a gluten free diet, leave a comment here. And if you have vitiligo and are reading about this connection for the first time, you should consider getting tested for celiac disease or gluten intolerance and going on a gluten free diet. Even if your vitiligo cant reverse, the fact that you have this autoimmune condition means that you may have an intolerance to gluten and there could be damage being done inside the body. I hope that my personal story and the comments shared by others will cause some of you out there to have an Aha moment UPDATE Articles I have found since writing this article in 2. Repigmentation of Vitiligo Lesions in a Child with Celiac Disease after a Gluten Free Diet. Rapid Partial Repigmentation of Vitiligo in a Young Female Adult with a Gluten Free Diet. Vitiligo and Autoantibodies of Celiac Disease. Vitiligo and Celiac Disease Is There a Link Improvement of vitiligo after oral treatment with vitamin B1. Intolerance rising in Malaysia, says report. This is believed to be largely due to the influence of Malaysians who study in Saudi Arabia and, upon their return, introduce Salafist ideas into the nations administration. KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia has shifted towards a more rigid, political Islam, resulting in greater intolerance in the country, according to a report in The Diplomat. The report quoted researchers and Muslims as saying that intolerance was becoming a part of Malaysian life. Malaysia has become steadily more intolerant says Dr Zachary Abuza. Dr Zachary Abuza, a professor at the National War College in the US, was quoted by The Diplomat as saying Malaysia has become steadily more intolerant, and this has been a top down government policy. Abuza, who focuses on Southeast Asian politics and security issues, described Malaysian Islamic religious leaders as state sponsored and who used vetted sermons. The people most at risk are clearly the ethnic minorities, atheists, and Christian Malays, which is actually unconstitutional. I was just in Malaysia, and the intolerance displayed by Malays is growing. I dont know one Chinese Malaysian or Indian that is not alarmed at where this is headed. The report quoted Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa, director of the Islamic Renaissance Front, as saying that a shift had occurred towards more rigid and political Islamic practice. This is because of an influx of Salafist scholars returning from Saudi Arabia, with many joining the government, sometimes as members of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia Jakim, or as preachers at mosques. Farouk, who was summoned by Jakim over his activism two years ago and questioned about his stand on freedom of religion, was quoted as saying Its a trend in many states in Malaysia that every Friday, Shias are vilified along with liberals, gays and Christians. Now, the next target will be the atheists, he added. Islamic authorities have recently targeted Muslims with a bent towards atheism following the posting of a picture on social media of a group of people said to be atheists and members of the Kuala Lumpur chapter of the Atheist Republic. Among those who called for action against this group were Minister in the Prime Ministers Department Shahidan Kassim and Deputy Minister in the Prime Ministers Department Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, who is in charge of Islamic affairs. Asyraf Wajdi called for an investigation to determine if any Muslims were involved in the meeting while Shahidan suggested that the government hunt them down vehemently. A Singaporean with atheistic leanings, given the name Nurulhuda in the report, who has been living in Malaysia for 1. Malaysian society had drifted towards more extreme forms of political Islam. She acknowledged that atheists including Muslims with atheistic views were meeting in secret in Malaysia but that they were normally careful to stay off the radar of Islamic officials. She said ex Muslims or their families could be harassed and their careers damaged if they were discovered. She said Muslims with atheistic leanings lived in fear, and were concerned that what had happened in Bangladesh, where atheists had been killed by fundamentalist Muslims, might occur here. Despite taking precautions, she was quoted as saying, death threats online and over the phone were common. Women, she added, were threatened with rape for holding atheistic views. Malaysian criminal law does not forbid atheism nor does it criminalise it, says Dr Shad Faruqi. Hd Video Download Emilie Jolie on this page. The report quoted an administrator for the Atheist Republic Malaysia page, given the name Ahmad, as saying he was worried that secular aspects of law in Malaysia were fading away. Even his moderate Muslim father one day mentioned casually to him that apostates should be killed. I dont think he would kill me, said Ahmad. We are moving further from secularism. But at the same time there is a blooming population of atheists, he was quoted as saying. The Diplomat quoted Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi, professor of law at the University of Malaya, as saying that Shahidans remark is popular political talk. He added that Malaysian criminal law did not forbid atheism nor did it criminalise it. The views expressed in the contents are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of FMT.