Teamo Supremo Disney Wiki. Teamo Supremo. Genre. Animation, Action, Comedy. Opening Theme. Teamo Supremo theme. The print advertisement for the show. Teamo Supremo is an animated television series created by Disney. Animated in the limited animation style pioneered by Jay Ward, predecessors which inspired its style, it tells of three superhero kids Captain Crandall, Skate Lad, and Rope Girl. Winnie-the-Pooh-Plush-Whole-collection1.jpg' alt='Funny Comedian Videos Winnie The Pooh ' title='Funny Comedian Videos Winnie The Pooh ' />These three protect their state from all sorts of supervillains, such as the evil Baron Blitz, and the shape changing femme fatale known as Madame Snake. The series debuted on Disneys One Saturday Morning block on January 1. Police hunt grinning man filmed grinding against female police officer at Notting Hill Carnival. Man pinned officer between his arms and the railing behind her in. Neu bei maxdome Kein Abo, keine Vertragsbindung. Videos im Store einzeln leihen oder kaufen. Auf deinem Fernseher, mobilen Endgert oder ber PCMac. Big Daddy Weave Redeemed Official Music Video Christian Music Videos. The main series on the site, Mr. Coat waxes nostalgic about either the old or the new parts of popular culture, whether it be classic animation, great film directors. More than 50 read aloud chapter books for preschoolers and 3 year olds. However, it started regularly airing on Toon Disney in September of that same year, where most of its second season premiered. During spring of 2. ABC Kids. In September of that year, it was taken off ABC Kids to make room for Lilo Stitch The Series, leaving the rest of the episodes to premiere on Toon Disney. Characters. Teamo Supremo. Captain Crandall Cap The leader of Teamo Supremo who believes that he is an alien superhero from another planet. He is often addressed as Cap by his teammates. In later episodes, his seemingly imaginary superpowers and backstory seem to actually become canon. In the last episode, he experiences a sudden burst of superhuman strength and defense. Also, his skin has been shown to turn purple when he gets very angry. His gadgets include a special Level 7 belt, as well as a yo yo, marbles, boomerang, and shield. Voiced by Spencer Breslin. Brenda Rope Girl The female member of Teamo Supremo. She always speaks with a Western drawl. Her gadget is a jumprope which has the ability to transform her into Rope Girl. She has purple hair and buck teeth. Voiced by Alanna Ubach. Hector Felip Corrio Skate Lad The Mexican member of Teamo Supremo, is the states skateboarding champion. His main gadget is a patriotic skateboard that has jet engines in it. Voiced by Alanna Ubach. Allies. Governor Kevin The groovy governor of the state they live in. Voice Martin Mull. The Chief The chief of police, who does not take kindly to Teamo taking the police matters into their own hands. He was a former US Cold War secret agent named Episolon. A recurring joke with the chief is when he takes a villain away, hell make a witty line that ends with jail, prison, etc. Come on, space fakes. Youre about to take one small step. TO JAIL Voice Brian Doyle Murray. Crandalls mom Crandalls human mother. He refers to her as Earth Mom since he thinks he is an alien. She is completely oblivious to the fact that Crandall and his friends are superheroes or so it may seem. Voice Julia Sweeney. Jean Crandalls older human sister. She always has a different career that she wants to be in every episode. Voice Rachel Crane. Mr. Paulson The eccentric director of Level 7, a top secret facility that makes Teamos gadgets. Voice Fred Willard. Samantha Mr. Paulsons assistant. Mrs. Woolingantz Teamos schoolteacher who often excuses them if Governor Kevin needs them. She doesnt assign much homework, but gets angry when it isnt done. Action Crandalls dog. He is sometimes called to help Teamo in certain missions, ala Ace the Bat Hound. The Silver Shield a. Gordon Crandalls grandfather, who has had a Captain America like superhero identity. The Dark Talon a. Nick Crandalls other grandfather, who has had a Batman like superhero identity. Mrs. Corrio Hectors mother. The Twins Pain and Panic Hectors unnamed twin sisters, who often speak gibberish in unison. Brendas Mom Brendas mother, whom she seems to get her western accent from. Barclae a. k. a. Diaper Dude Brendas baby brother, who once helped Teamo in one of their adventures. Teamos Dads The kids respective fathers, but not much is known about them as theyve only been seen in one episode. Crandalls dad seems to read the newspaper a lot, and Hectors dad runs a skateboard shop. Patience The Chiefs daughter. She has her mothers figure and her fathers vocal cords. Voice Vene Arcoraci. Mauricio the Comedian A black comedian. Tiffany Javelins a. Songstress a. k. a. Sally Smith A teen singer whom Brenda idolizes. Originally worked for the Mischievous Manager, but turned good afterwards. Strangely, Toon Disneys official site for the show continued to label her as a villain. Captain Excellent An old superhero whom Crandall idolizes. B. Barry Berylium Chief editor of the states newspaper, The Stately Planet. He prefers being addressed as Chief over Sir. Ollie Jimson A rookie news journalist who works for Mr. Berylium, who finds it annoying that Ollie never calls him Chief. His name is a nod to Jimmy Olsen. Viva Voom Governor Kevins Dutch girlfriend from high school. She is now a movie actress, but still has her relationship with Kevin. A fellow member of the school faculty is usually the one to tell Mrs. Woolingantz that Governor Kevin needs Teamos help. Her name was never revealed in the series, nor did she ever actually have dialogue she always whispers to the teacher. The states newscaster who always pops up on TV to deliver news. His name was never revealed either. Recurring villains. Baron Blitz A short blue man, possibly from an alien world himself, with a German accent. He is known for taking control of wax statues, and later on bronze statues and animatronics. Voiced Maurice La. Marche. Technor the Mechanized Man Originally invented by Paulson to be a robot psychologist now power hungry. His henchmen are called Techno. Creeps, and he often travels in his power sucking Magna Body. A parody of Marvel Comics villain M. O. D. O. K. Chopper Daddy A motorcycle themed villain. Scooter Lad a. k. Snake a. k. a. Justin Chopper Daddys son, who rides a scooter. He has twice tricked Teamo into believing they could trust him. Voiced Pamela Adlon. The Birthday Bandit a. B. B. the Clown A clown gone bad. Often robs birthday parties and other special occasions. He is always accompanied by three similarly dressed henchmen, the Party Favors, one of which is named Evelyn. He briefly changed his name to the Valentine Bandit when he kidnapped Viva Voom. Voiced by Mark Hamill. Madame Snake A femme fatale with the ability to change her appearance. Mr. Large A stereotypical mob leader who likes large items. Unlike most of the villains on the show, his henchmen have names Ernie the Hat, Mickey the Shirt, and Rosie the Purse. Voiced by Edward Asner. Helius Inflato A guy who can inflate himself and fly, hence his name. He wants to build a casino in the state, but isnt allowed to. Laser Pirate a. k. Larry A former colleague of Paulson, he is the only pirate that doesnt like water due to a college incident. His hideout is a skyscraper that flies around a possible homage to Monty Pythons The Meaning of Life. Voiced by Tim Curry. The Gauntlet a. k. Crawford Formerly one of Paulsons co workers, he continually wreaks havoc with a pair of powerful Gauntlets hes always able to steal. Voiced by Wallace Shawn. Hypnotheria A hypnosis themed villain. Voiced by April Winchell. Dehydro A water themed baddie. He has a habit of repeating himself, and repeating himself is what he does. He over reiterates, and says things too many times. Voiced by Diedrich Bader. Mr. Vague A rather dull bad guy with grey skin. He is never specific with what he wants to steal. Free Downloads Evangelion 1.0. Vladimir Trettiak The Chiefs archnemesis. Electronica a. k. Polly Pixel A former video game designer furious over the fact that players constantly beat her games using cheating devices. Voiced by Kathleen Barr. Alien Skull An alien supervillainreal estate baron. His real name is pronounced by clicking your teeth together three times. The Sinister Stylist An ex soap opera actress who had a bad hair day and ended up humiliated by TV funnyman Mauricio, due to the almost constant laughter of the audience attending that years state awards show. She has since then sworn to give bad hair to everyone and display it to the world. D. J. Despicable D. Kyle Mooney Profile. Spoilers for Brigsby Bear ahead. Kyle Mooney would like to go to the mirror maze, please. Saturday Night Lives most endearingly weird cast member is strolling around central Philadelphia, killing time before doing a comedy show to promote his endearingly weird new movie Brigsby Bear about a 2. TV show starring an animatronic bear more on this later, when he stops in his tracks. There, hanging from the pillars of the Franklin Institute Science Museum is a banner for a 1,7. Numbers in Nature labyrinth filled with psychedelic shapes, reflective surfaces, and LED lights and its calling to him harder than a stranger in a van shaking a bag of candy. That looks rad. It looks like its from the future. Lets do it says Mooney, bounding up the museums steps, only to hesitate at the door. Im nervous that I wont be able to find my way out, he confesses. See, the last time Mooney was in a mirror maze was a decade ago at the San Diego County Fair, and hes feeling rusty. But Ill be with him, I say. If we get lost, we get lost together. We could create some sort of world of our own in the mirror maze, he says, letting the scenario gel in his head. He gives the nod. We proceed. Part of what makes Mooney such a lovable cult comedy figure is how guileless he seems to be. Hes the 3. 2 year old, shaggy haired, five foot seven, stubble faced version of Tom Hanks in Big a grown up who miraculously seems to have skipped the growing up part. This is probably why hes so perfect as James, Brigsby Bears protagonist, who grew up extremely sheltered and is now doing things like attending his first house party. Offered a beer, he replies, Ill have one of that Today, Mooney is wearing his favorite vintage Reebok high tops, with a pump in the shape of a tennis ball. Just before we enter the maze, he gets into an unspoken battle with a 6 year old boy at a display table where you spin discs and science facts pop up. I dont want to get in trouble, but I promise I can spin faster than that kid, Mooney whispers to me. None of this is an act, at least according to people who know him well. When I met him in person, what I was struck by is how earnest and nice he is, says Kate Lyn Sheil, who plays the longtime crush of Mooneys character in Brigsby, and who first got to know Mooney as cross country pen pals. Hes very much a real person first, and a very skilled comedian second. She mentions the vintage Alf sweatshirt that is his favorite item of clothing in the world his carefully curated VHS collection of childrens shows and how every time he does karaoke, he commits hard and often winds up shirtless. It all comes from a genuine place, she says. Its not like hes trying to look cool or hes doing something ironically. Those are his interests. Right now, his interest is getting into this mirror maze, though he does pause for one adult moment to let our 6 year old friend and his family explore unfettered. I dont want our journey to influence theirs, he says. The rest of the time hes racing through, a big grin on his face, until weve plopped out the other side. Im dizzy, he declares. Are you dizzyThat vibe of unaffectedness infuses all of Mooneys comedy, but particularly the viral videos hes been making for years with his comedy troupe, Good Neighbor, all of whom now work at SNL Beck Bennett, a. Vladimir Putin, is a cast member Nick Rutherford is a writer and Dave Mc. Cary directs everything they do, including Brigsby Bear the first feature film any of them have made top to bottom. Mooney met Bennett and Rutherford in a kind of improv fraternity at USC, and Mc. Cary has been his best friend since sixth grade. Theyre also, essentially, the guys who took over making SNLs digital shorts from the Lonely Island though dont go imagining bad blood Andy Samberg, Jorma Taccone, and Akiva Schaffer are producers on Brigsby, along with the dynamic,Han Soloousted duo of Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. At a time when so much of comedy is centered on outrage and satire, Mooney and Good Neighbor seem more interested in celebrating enthusiasm and the idea that trying hard, however ineptly, is a noble act. Sambergs favorite of their videos is probably 2. You. Tube clip of an absurd, extensive ritual three buddies do including multiple chants and conjuring up their ex girlfriends before going out for the night. Thats one of the funniest, coolest things Ive maybe ever seen in comedy, says Samberg. Like, What the fuck is this The appeal, he thinks, lies in Mooneys ability to capture a type of dude whos been underrepresented in pop culture, but is probably a prime consumer of it. Kyle has that So. Cal vibe down so well, says Samberg, of just guys that are not at all confident, but theyre all speaking in the language of confidence and too cool to say actual words. Hes so good at speaking in half sentences. That Toast video is so beloved 2. Mooney and Rutherford forgot the words while trying to reprise it at the Philly comedy show later that night, the entire theater started reciting it from memory. Im partial to Lakers Champions from 2. Mooney has done as a socially inept aspiring reporter who shows up to big games, parades, reptile expos, you name it, looking for players named Colby Bryant and asking hard hitting questions like, Tell me The Lakers did it, what are we gonna do The real Mooney has a more legit sports history. You may have heard about the time in National Junior Basketball when I was playing for the red team and I scored 2. The pinnacle of the series is probably the recent one he did with Justin Bieber fans, which wound up, like so many of Mooneys bits these days, on. SNLs Cut for Time web extras. He calls the singer the handsome devil who came down from heaven to make some great songs and to dance forever, and then interviews a woman he mistakes for the Biebs. Nothing he and the gang have done so far, though, is anywhere as ambitious as the surprisingly touching Brigsby Bear, with its handmade props, hi fi camerawork, and length, of, like, 3. Good Neighbor videos back to back. It was a sleeper hit at the Sundance Film Festival, where Sony Pictures Classics bought it for 5 million, and, more surprising, was given the prestigious closing night slot of the Critics Week selection in Cannes meaning the French consider it high art. Reviews have been very positive. This is Mooneys passion project, and it shows. He came up with the idea six years ago, about a grown man who is Star Warslevel obsessed with a bizarre, cable access level show starring a space traveling animatronic bear. But it turns out hes the only person whos ever seen it, and it was made for him by his parents. And then what if all that was taken away from him Mooney enlisted another middle school friend, Kevin Costello, to help out with the screenplay, and together they worked out that Mooneys character, James, spoiler alert, had been kidnapped at a young age by apocalyptic survivalists Jane Adams and, in a genius casting move, Mark Hamill, who really does do all of the voices for the fake show within the show, whod raised him in a bunker and used the Brigsby videos as a form of brainwashing. The youngest of three boys, Mooney is well versed in nostalgia. I was always a fan of something, he says. Id get all my brothers action figures, like Star Wars and Transformers, as hand me downs, but I was always obsessed with them. By age 6 he was already a collector baseball cards, yo yos, He Man. Then came cartoons like Thundercats, Transformers, Centurion. Visionaries Hed re rent them at Blockbuster constantly. In college, he would trove thrift stores for VHS tapes of long forgotten childrens shows and then curate clips of them for his friends. Influences for Brigsby include Chuck E. Cheeses a live action Teddy Ruxpin special a 1. Winnie the Pooh Disney show called. Welcome to Pooh Corner and a childrens religious show called.