My Little Pony Equestria Girls My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki. My Little Pony Equestria Girls. Find My Little Pony toys, MLP action figures, collectibles, Pop Vinyl, bobbleheads, and merchandise at Entertainment Earth. Low Price Guarantee. Shop now The film is a part of musicthemed Rainbow Rocks lineup, a second installment in the My Little Pony Equestria Girls toy line and media franchise, which was first. On My Little Pony Games category you will find all these games with the most beautiful pony, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash. My Little Pony Equestria Girls is an animated feature film starring characters resembling the. For the entire franchise, see My Little Pony Equestria Girls franchise. For other films in the franchise, see My Little Pony Equestria Girls franchiseFilms. For the 2. 01. 1 promotional video and the song featured in the film, see Equestria Girls commercial and Equestria Girls Cafeteria Song. For the soundtrack album and the single, see My Little Pony Equestria Girls Original Motion Picture Soundtrack and My Little Pony Equestria Girls CD. My Little Pony Equestria Girls. U4q6kkdvGZfm8zwv5CRUSqkGN.jpg' alt='My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rock Full Movie ' title='My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rock Full Movie ' />My Little Pony Equestria Girls movie poster. Directed by. Jayson Thiessen. Produced by Sarah Wall. Devon Cody. Written by. Meghan Mc. Carthy. Music by. William Anderson scoreDaniel Ingram songs. Release dates June 1. Los Angeles Film FestivalJune 1. August 6, 2. 01. 3 DVDBlu ray releaseSeptember 1, 2. Hub NetworkAdditional releases. July 2. 8, 2. 01. Malaysia, NTV7August 3, 2. GermanyAugust 1. Latin America, Mexico PremiereAugust 2. Latin America, PanamaAugust 2. AustraliaAugust 3. New ZealandAugust 3. Latin America, GuatemalaAugust 3. Latin America Cinpolis Mexico, Cyne. Hoyts ChileSeptember 1, 2. Hub NetworkSeptember 5, 2. Latin America, Cinemark PeruSeptember 1. Latin America, Cine. Colombia ColombiaSeptember 1. Poland, tele. TOONSeptember 1. Latin America, only Discovery Kids ArgentinaSeptember 2. Canada, YTVSeptember 2. Italy, CartoonitoSeptember 2. Finland, 4. NappulaSeptember 2. Hungary, MinimaxOctober 6, 2. Brazil, Discovery KidsOctober 1. Latin America, Discovery KidsOctober 1. Spain, Disney ChannelNovember 2. United Kingdom, POPJanuary 5, 2. RussiaCISWorldwide, CarouselCarousel InternationalJanuary 1. Ukraine, Plus. PlusMarch 3, 2. Greece, Star ChannelMarch 4, 2. Portugal, Canal PandaApril 1. Taiwan, Yo. Yo TVApril 2. Mexico, Canal 5June 1, 2. Romania, Prima TVNovember 2. Germany, Disney ChannelSeptember 1, 2. Latin America, Colombia, DVD ReleaseOctober 6, 2. Japan, NetflixJanuary 6, 2. South Korea, Netflix. Running time 7. 2 minutes. Studio. Hasbro Studios. DHX Media. Distributed by. Screenvision US theatricalShout Factory home mediaHub Network television. SongsOpening Titles RemixThis Strange World. Equestria Girls. Time to Come Together. This is Our Big Night. A Friend for Life See also. Chronology. My Little Pony Equestria Girlsnote 1 is an animated feature film starring characters resembling the main cast of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic as teenage human girls. Princess Twilight Sparkles crown, the element of magic, is stolen by Sunset Shimmer who disappears into a mirror that leads into the human world. Without the crown, all the other Elements of Harmony will have no power to protect Equestria, so Twilight and Spike go through the mirror to chase after the culprit to retrieve her crown. They discover themselves in a new world where Twilight is a teenaged human girl and Spike is a talking dog, and they find friends that resemble their pony friends from Equestria. Twilight works with her friends to become Princess of the Fall Formal to win her crown back from the human Sunset Shimmer and to change the destiny of these two parallel worlds. The film takes place after the season three finale, around the Summertime shorts. Make Up Shake Up, A Photo Booth Story, and Raise This Roof, and before the season fourpremiere. Development. Jim Millers Linked. In profile lists his experience as a storyboard supervisor at DHX Media from November 2. September 2. 01. 2 Working on MLP FIM season 3, as well as the MLP Equestria Girls DVD. In April 2. Daniel Ingram was asked regarding Equestria Girls You doing songs for it and answered sure am3 then replied again and I Might have heard Wills terrific score as well. On May 1. Meghan Mc. Carthy that the film is written by her, directed by Jayson Thiessen, and features the same voice cast from the show. On May 2. March 2. Daniel Ingram stated in a Facebook post that he wrote six songs for the movie in a more modern popgirl band style that would fit the high schoolurban setting. He also stated some of the crew who worked with him Trevor Hoffman for vocal arrangements, David Corman and Sam Ryan for production, and collaborating with Mc. Carthy on the lyrics. According to IDW comics artist Andy Price, Equestria Girls8 was created partially to compete with doll market, but also in answer to fans humanized art. Summary. Prologue The princess summit. Flash Sentrys first appearance. The movie opens in the Crystal Empire, with Twilight Sparkle, Spike and their friends disembarking the train at the station and heading to the Crystal Castle to attend Twilights first princess summit since her coronation. Twilight is both nervous and excited or nervicited, as Pinkie puts it about the summit and feeling self conscious about wearing her crown, but her friends are supportive as expected, believing her new status as princess should be embraced. In the throne room, Twilight bumps into an amber coated Pegasusroyal guard who introduces her as her highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and she and her friends meet with Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance. Celestia takes notice of how tired Twilight and her friends look from their trip and sends the seven of them off to bed. Some time later, as she tries on her crown, Twilight is once again feeling unsure of herself, wondering what will happen now that shes a princess. Spike assures her everything will be fine, and the two of them go to sleep though Twilight has some trouble trying to keep her wings folded. The element of magic is stolen. Sunset stealing Twilight Sparkles crown. Later that night, a pony in a cloak sneaks into the castle, past the patrol of royal guards and into Twilight and Spikes guest room. Using unicorn magic, the cloaked pony switches Twilights crown with a fake crown and attempts to make off with it. However, as the unicorn sneaks past Spike, he rolls over in his sleep at the last second, flipping his tail in the way. The thief trips over it with their back hoof, crashing into the floor and stirring Twilight and Spike from their sleep. Twilight, noticing the crown in the unicorns saddlebag, cries Thief before giving chase. Her shouts wake the other Element bearers as she passes their rooms and they quickly join the pursuit. She attempts to cut the thief off by teleporting, but the unicorn is just as skilled at teleportation as she is uncloaked by the spell, the thief is revealed to be a mare. Twilight tackles the fleeing unicorn to the ground as they reach a chamber in the castle that houses a large mirror. During the struggle, Twilights crown falls through the mirror. With a wicked grin and a sarcastic, insincere apology, the mystery mare untangles herself from Twilight by teleporting to the mirror and leaps through it, to Twilight and her friends shock. Mulan II Theater Movie. Twilight going in a mirror. The next morning, Princess Celestia identifies the unicorn as Sunset Shimmer, her former student. She began her studies under Celestia not long before Twilight but had turned cruel and dishonest when she didnt get what she wanted as quickly as shed liked. She subsequently abandoned her studies eventually going through the mirror, apparently. Spike brings out the fake crown, with Princess Celestia surmising that Sunset hoped that Twilight wouldnt notice the switch right away, and by the time she did, it would be too late to retrieve the real one. When Twilight asks where Sunset fled to, the other princesses show her and her friends to the mirror. The mirror is in fact a gateway to another world, an alternate world, that opens once every thirty moons. It used to be kept in the throne room of Canterlot Castle, as Princess Celestia hoped that Sunset Shimmer would use it to return to Equestria some day to seek her guidance.