Elsa the Snow Queen Disney Wiki. Elsa the Snow Queen is a featured article, which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. Elsa. Honors and awards. Place in Times Most Influential Fictional Characters of 2. Other names. The Snow Queen. Queen Elsa. Your Majesty. Personality. Elegant, caring, reserved, warm, kind, playful, protective, well behaved, loving, gentle, compassionate, selfless, intelligent, independent, artistic, down to earth, benevolent, motherly, emotionally sensitive, a perfectionist, peaceful, anxious, insecure formerly, remorseful, proper. Appearance. Slender, radiant pale skin, light freckles, rosy cheeks, pink lips, long platinum blonde hair in a French braid, blue eyes, purple eye shadow. Goal. To suppress and control her abilities for the safety of her family, friends and subjects succeededLikes. This page is for the wellknown fairy tale. Not to be confused with The Snow Queen Series by Joan D. Vinge The Snow Queen Danish Snedronningen is a. Her family, chocolate, being with Anna, acceptance, freedom, open gates, peace, cleanliness, geometry, studying, tea, controlling her powers, perfection. Dislikes. Endangering the innocent, being treated as a monster, lacking control over her powers, enforced isolation, loneliness, conflicting moments with her sister, the idea of Anna marrying someone she just met, losing loved ones, imperfection, discrimination. Powers and abilities. Magical control over coldness, ice, frost and snow. Calico Critters Bettys Burger Cafe Playset you can create burgers, fries, and drinks for customers like LPS, MLP, Disneys Frozen Magiclip Queen Elsa and. Snow White is a 19thcentury German fairy tale which is today known widely across the Western world. The Brothers Grimm published it in 1812 in the first edition of. Snow White story Snow White songs Fairy Tales and Stories for Kids Duration 2137. Fairy Tales and Stories for Kids 9,566,769 views. Adult Snow White Costume Couture features a highlow gown with glitter bodice and tall collar. Gold and fishnet detail make this Snow White costume look deluxe Exiled into the dangerous forest by her wicked stepmother, a princess is rescued by seven dwarf miners who make her part of their household. Queen Elsa of Arendelle also known as the Snow Queen is the deuteragonist of Disneys 2013. Snow White and the Huntsman stylized as Snow White the Huntsman is a 2012 fantasy film based. The Snow Queen A New Musical, based on the same fairy tale as the movie Frozen, has kooky characters, scary plotting and potent rock numbers. U.S._DVD_Cover_of_Wizart%27s_The_Snow_Queen.png' alt='Order Snow Queen Movie' title='Order Snow Queen Movie' />Creating life. Fate. Finally comes to peace with herself and Anna, and returns home to Arendelle to rightfully take her place as the Queen. QuoteThe cold never bothered me anyway. Conceal, dont feel. The past is in the past. In Arendelles fair kingdom, a ruler did appear. Born with a secret power so great, alone, she stayed in fear. Download The New Bleach: The Diamonddust Rebellion Movie there. Although the force was hidden, one day she let it go. And all the land was covered in eternal ice and snowFrozen trailers narration. Queen Elsa of Arendelle also known as the Snow Queen is the deuteragonist of Disneys 2. Frozen. She is the firstborn daughter of former monarchs King Agnarr and Queen Iduna, older sister of Princess Anna, and the contemporary ruler of Arendelle. Her powers over ice and snow ultimately led her to become the Snow Queen at adulthood. Elsa is loosely based on the titular character of The Snow Queen, a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, and to a much lesser extent, Kai from the same story. While the character from the original fairy tale was neutral and, to some degree, villainous, Elsa was rewritten as a tragic heroine. Background. Official Description. From the outside, Elsa looks poised, regal and reserved, but in reality, she lives in fear as she wrestles with a mighty secret she was born with the power to create ice and snow. Its a beautiful ability, but also extremely dangerous. Haunted by the moment her magic nearly killed her younger sister Anna, Elsa has isolated herself, spending every waking minute trying to suppress her growing powers. Her mounting emotions trigger the magic, accidentally setting off an eternal winter that she cant stop. She fears shes becoming a monster and that no one, not even her sister, can help her. Development. An early 3. D model for the villainous Elsa by Chad Stubblefield. Elsa was originally portrayed as a dramatic, theatrical villain in early drafts of the film, akin to villains of Disneys past such as Cruella De Vil in One Hundred and One Dalmatians, and Ursula in The Little Mermaid, in addition to being unrelated to Anna. However, as the films development encountered several problems, story wise, two major changes were made the alteration of Elsas moral role in the story, and her relationship with Anna. Once the two became sisters, the filmmakers felt it would open new possibilities for story elements, making the process of finalizing the completion of the Disney adaptation of The Snow Queen all the more accessible. Elsas original portrayal as the villain her original intended villain role is shown in a deleted scene made early in the films development depicted her as being a ruthless, bitter, cold hearted tyrant who had an entire army of giant snowmen as henchmen who would eventually be replaced by one giant snowman named, Marshmallow. Designs for this version of Elsa included one that resembled actress Bette Midler, as well as one that was modeled after the late singer Amy Winehouse. These designs depicted her with spiky black or dark blue hair and even blue gray skin, a more angular body as opposed to the final, heroic Elsas curvaceous body and a constantly malicious smile. Some concept art depicted her with a group of pet ermines who scurried up and down her body and formed themselves into a cloak for her. Instead of being fearful and insecure about not wanting to reveal her powers, Elsa would have been very hostile and bitter toward others and simply resented everyone, especially Anna, whom she was incredibly jealous of because of the royal status she held. Songwriter Kristen Anderson Lopez stated in a 2. Elsas original motivation throughout the film was to freeze Annas heart to take over the kingdom. However, this did not work out very well, as it would have been difficult for her to reform if she was an outright evil villain, and after listening to the song Let It Go, intended to be Elsas villain song when it was written, the writers realized that her motivations of self empowerment and wanting to be herself were too positive to be expressed by a villain and did not fit the villain role, and as a result, instead of changing the lyrics they ended up changing the plot, and therefore the character was changed from a villainous role to an anti heroic role seen in the actual film. Voice. Actress and singer Megan Mullally was originally cast to voice Elsa,3 but was replaced by Broadway actress Idina Menzel, best known for performing Elphaba from Wicked when the story changed. Menzel had previously auditioned for a lead role in the 2. Disney animated feature film, Tangled. She was not cast for the part, but the casting director recorded her singing and later showed the recording to Frozens film executives. Menzel was surprised when she was subsequently asked to audition, and she received the role after reading the script out loud. Director Chris Buck believed that Menzels vocals would help in the portrayal of the character, saying, Idina has a sense of vulnerability in her voice. She plays a very strong character, but someone who lives in fearso we needed someone who could portray both sides of the character, and Idina was just amazing. In an interview with Menzel, she acknowledged the similarities between Elsa and Elphaba. She mentioned they were both very powerful and misunderstood individuals, and she herself could relate to the characters, having hidden her singing talent from her peers at school. I didnt want to alienate anyone, she explained. If everyone was singing along in the car to a Madonna song, I didnt join in because when were younger were afraid of sticking out or showing off when in fact we should own those things that make us really unique. Characterization. Following the casting of Idina Menzel, Elsas characterization underwent several alterations. According to Menzel, she was originally scripted as a one dimensional antagonist but was gradually revised as a more vulnerable, multifaceted figure. Menzel further described her character as extremely complicated and misunderstood. Director Jennifer Lee stated that Elsa is largely driven by fear throughout the film. Producers identified the scene in which Elsa sings Let It Go as a pivotal point in the characters development, as the scene depicts her choice to let go of her fear of using her powers and be herself. Character design supervisor Bill Schwab said, Before Let It Go, Elsa is really buttoned up, her hair is upeverything is perfect. Queen Snow White Wikipedia. The Queen. The Queen with her mirror in an American illustration from 1. First appearance. Grimms Fairy Tales 1. Created by. The Brothers Grimm adapted from pre existing fairy talesInformation. Occupation. Regent, witch secretlySpousesKing. Children. Snow White daughter in the original version, stepdaughter since the 1. The Queen, often referred to as the Evil Queen or the Wicked Queen, is a fictional character and the main antagonist in Snow White, a German fairy tale recorded by the Brothers Grimm similar stories are also known to exist in other countries. Other versions of the Queen appear in Snow White derivative works, and the character has also become an archetype for unrelated works of fiction. The Queen is Snow Whites evil and vindictive stepmother who is obsessed with being the fairest in the land. The beautiful young princess Snow White evokes the Queens sense of envy, so the Queen designs a number of plans to kill Snow White through the use of witchcraft. A driving force in the story is the Queens Magic Mirror. In the traditional resolution of the story, the Queen is grotesquely executed for her crimes. The tale is meant as a lesson for young children warning them against narcissism and pride. Various other versions of the Queen appear in subsequent adaptations and continuations of the fairy tale, including novels and films. In these, the Queen is often re imagined and sometimes portrayed more sympathetically, such as being morally conflicted or suffering from madness instead of being simply evil. In some of the revisionist stories she has even been portrayed as an antihero or a tragic hero. In some instances, she serves as the protagonist or narrator of the story one such particularly notable version is Disneys, sometimes known as Queen Grimhilde. The Queen has also become an archetype that inspired several characters featured in the works that are not directly based on the original tale. In Snow Whiteedit. The queen with her mirror, from 2. My Book of Favourite Fairy Tales illustrated by Jennie HarbourIn the Brothers Grimm taleeditThe Queen is a very beautiful but proud and arrogant woman who is secretly dabbling in dark arts. When the Kings first wife, the Good Queen passes away, Snow Whites father marries again. The Kings new and second wife is very beautiful, but she is also a wicked and vain woman who becomes the new and second Queen, and Snow Whites stepmother. She owns a magic mirror, which one day informs her that her young stepdaughter Princess Snow White has surpassed her in beauty. After deciding to eliminate Snow White, the Queen orders her Huntsman to take the princess into the forest and kill her. The Queen tells him to bring back Snow Whites lungs and liver, as proof that the princess is dead. However, the Huntsman takes pity on Snow White, and instead, brings the Queen the lungs and liver of a wild boar. The Queen then eats what she believes are Snow Whites organs. While questioning her mirror, the Queen discovers that Snow White has survived. Intending to kill Snow White herself, she uses witchcraft to prepare poison and take the disguise of an old peddler woman. She visits the dwarfs house and sells Snow White laces for a corset that she laces too tight in an attempt to asphyxiate the girl. When that fails, the Queen returns, as a different old woman, and tricks Snow White into using a poisoned comb. When the comb fails to kill Snow White, the Queen again visits Snow White, this time disguised as a farmers wife, and gives Snow White a poisoned apple. Eventually, Snow White and the Prince from another kingdom reveal the Queens true nature and invite her to their wedding, where she is forced to put on red hot iron shoes and dance until she drops dead. Alternate fatesedit. The Queen at Snow Whites wedding in a 1. German illustration. In the classic ending of Snow White, the Queen is tricked into attending Snow Whites wedding and put to death by torment this is often considered to be too dark and potentially horrifying for children in modern society. Sara Maitland wrote that we do not tell this part of the story any more we say it is too cruel and will break childrens soft hearts. Therefore, many especially modern revisions of the fairy tale often change the gruesome classic ending in order to make it seem less violent. In some versions, instead of dying, the Queen is even just merely prevented from committing further wrongdoings. However, in the same 2. UK poll that considered the Queen from Snow White the scariest fairy tale character of all time as cited by 3. Already the first English translation of the Grimms tale, written by Edgar Taylor in 1. Queen choke on her own envy upon the sight of Snow White alive. Another early 1. English translation by Susannah Mary Paull replaces the Queens death by cruel physical punishment with death by self inflicted pain and self destruction when it was her own shoes that became hot due to her anger. Other alternative endings can have the Queen just instantly drop dead of anger at the wedding5 or in front of her mirror upon learning about it,6 die from her own designs going awry such as from touching her own poisoned rose7 or by nature such as falling into quicksands while crossing a swamp on her way back after poisoning Snow White8, be killed by the dwarfs during a chase,9 be destroyed by her own mirror,1. AnalysiseditOrigins and evolutioneditThe Queens origins can be traced to the character of Silver Tree, a jealous queen who threatens her daughter, in the Celtic oral tale Gold Tree and Silver Tree. According to Kenny Klein, the enchantress Ceridwen of the Welsh mythology was the quintissential evil stepmother, the origin of that character in the two tales of Snow White and Cinderella. Oliver Madox Hueffer noted that the wicked stepmother with magical powers threatening a young princess is a recurring theme in fairy tales one similar character is the witch queen in The Wild Swans as told by Hans Christian Andersen. The Queen in disguise, offering a poisoned apple to Snow White a late 1. German illustrationRosemary Ellen Guiley suggests that the Queen uses an apple because it recalls the temptation of Eve this creation story from the Bible led the Christian Church to view apples as a symbol of sin. Many people feared that apples could carry evil spirits, and that witches used them for poisoning. Robert G. Brown of Duke University also makes a connection with the story of Adam and Eve, seeing the Queen as a representation of the archetype of Lilith. The symbol of an apple has long had traditional associations with enchantment and witchcraft in some European cultures, as in case of Morgan le Fays Avalon Isle of the Apples. In some Scottish versions of Snow White type fairy tales, a talking trout takes the place of the Queens mirror, the Queen is the princess biological mother, rather than her stepmother, the huntsman figure is the princess own father, and the Queens fate remains unresolved. The tale varies widely from place to place, with the Queen using various tricks against the princess. For example, in Italy, the Queen uses a toxic comb, a contaminated cake, or a suffocating braid. The Queens demands of proof from the huntsman often her lover in non Grimm versions2. Spain, or the princess intestines and blood soaked shirt in Italy. In France, a local tale features a poisoned tomato. One of the early variations of the tale was Giambattista Basiles The Young Slave. The iron shoes being heated in an illustration from an 1. Icelandic translation of the Grimms story. The Grimm brothers invented the motif of the Queens execution at Snow Whites wedding the original story sees her punished by the King. The Grimms noted on the margin of their 1. The ending is not quite right and is lacking something.