Transformers Earth Wars Event String Theory Transformers News. Im guessing for those who have been playing for nearly a year and a half, the new campaign will be finished in an afternoon. From what ive heard about power cores, Im not very interested either, unless it can beef up my upper defenses to help nullify deathsaurus. I dont think i will use them at all until people have tried them out. Hoping we get a chance at springer this weekend. Probably chance crystals, maybe LB style like slog was or just straightforward team event like hotspot. Gonna suck if have to wait through a four week saga Been waiting to snag him for months already. Beast Wars Transformers is a Daytime Emmy awardwinning computeranimated television series that premiered on April 22, 1996 in syndication in the United States. And just a side thought. Phasesixer say its a waste of time to grind 3s. They simply cant survive at a certain point for example cybertron war. So for instance seeing my 3drift having troubles in zone. It sucks accepting that. My 8th squad is unlocked and ready for new bots, but if i get stuck with a 2springer I might start thinking about calling it a day. Im not sure. I been tellin myself springer might be the last go around anywayi know it will be hard to walk away though. If im gonna be spending money like that on TF it will be for tpb or G1 figs that i can keep forever, not some smoke and mirrors game that will disappear forever once they sunset. Im not saying its a bad choice to spend here, if thats what one chooses to have fun, thats just me being frugal. Maybe if we have hq. Definitely not playing round the clock like i used to anymore. Megatron-Beast-Wars-statue-6-600x849.jpg' alt='Transformers: Beast Wars Full Movie ' title='Transformers: Beast Wars Full Movie ' />The Transformers The Movie is a 1986 JapaneseAmerican animated science fiction action adventure film based on the animated television series by the same name, which. STREAMMOVIE21. COM. STREAMMOVIE21. COM. 2010 Blockbuster Movies South Park. Search. prev 1 2 3 4 5 49 50 next. When Beast Wars saved Transformers from extinction in 1996, it brought countless callbacks, Easter eggs, and facts you didnt know about with it. Watch Beast Wars Transformers 19961999 full episodes online. Other name Galaxy Monster Wars Synopsis Two spaceships, one manned by benevolent Maximal. The team from Space Ape has dropped by once again to let us know of the upcoming event in Earth Wars named String Theory. This time around, a pair of fan f. Identify Transformers toys action figures and accessories from G1 thru the present. Its difficult to properly articulate the excitement level among Transformers fans in the lead up to the premiere of Transformers Armada. While Beast Wars had.