Guy Jumps In Front of Stephen A. Smith, Yells Fuck The Mayweathers On ESPN2. Now heres some solid fight analysis As Stephen A. Smith talked about how Floyd wouldve won tonights fight more easily if he were younger, a man in a Boston Celtics cap jumped in front of him and yelled, Fuck the Mayweathers Of course. My favorite part of the interruption, however, is the exchange between Steve Levy and Smith at the end. In case youre wondering, Smith did not know who the heckler was. ESPN2ht Formerly Funhouse. TV Funhouse Free Streaming' title='TV Funhouse Free Streaming' />As October comes calling, streaming providers Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu will introduce some new, spooky content to help viewers get in the mood for Halloween. Netflix. Over the past few years theres been a resurgence in fantasy and horror television shows with many networks and streaming companies going all in on genre content. Partly Cloudy Review here.