ANd9GcTs0aO5sh3oIiCuq7iq7513htVeJLzUjV5vfRmzL1oiDYbC2XO10TZl22s' alt='Cult Horror Movies Digimon: The Movie ' title='Cult Horror Movies Digimon: The Movie ' />Marvel Movies And TV Shows You Forgot Existed. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been expanding rapidly over the last decade or so. But even before the MCU became a household name, Marvel made movies and television shows that have long since been forgotten. With the huge resurgence of comic book movies and television shows, more and more people are curious about exploring Marvels past and finding other forgotten gems. Did you know about the teenage Tony Starks high school exploits in Iron Man Armored Adventures 2. The Turkish Marvel rip off movie with an evil misogynistic Spider Man, 3 Dev Adam 1. The Digimon esque Marvel Disk Wars The Avengers 2. Or the failed TV pilot for Generation X 1. X Men by using characters like Emma Frost and Jubilee Enjoy these pieces of forgotten Marvel movie and television history plus many, many more. Sci Fi Movies Dvd The Little Mermaid II: Return To The Sea more. Its easy to forget, but there are a lot more ways to stream movies and TV besides Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. Here are some of the bestsometimes freelegal. Moviefan92 is a fanfiction author that has written 73 stories for Van Helsing, Harry Potter, Hellraiser, Halloween, Killer Instinct, Spirited Away, Evil DeadArmy of. I just wanted to welcome all of you to Hong Kong and Cult Film News. If you have any questions or comments feel free to email us at porfleyahoo. Death Note creators reportedly loved the forthcoming Netflix movie remake directed by Adam Wingard, according to producer Masi Oka. Some were failures on every level and others were good pieces of cinema or television that sadly just slipped through the cracks. Here are 2. 0 Marvel Movies And TV Shows You Forgot Existed. Iron Man Armored Adventures 2. In response to the popularity of the Iron Man 2. The weekend is for trying to parcel out a book youre really enjoying so you dont finish it too soon and have nothing to read on the subway. Also, video games. Downsized A social satire in which a guy realizes he would have a better life if he were to shrink himself. Christopher Yost who also worked on Wolverine and the X Men. The series focused on a teenage Tony Stark who finds himself against his fathers employee Obadiah Stane, who plans on taking control of Stark Industries. After his father is presumed dead from a plane crash, Tony becomes the invincible Iron Man. Alongside teenage versions of James Rhodey Rhodes and Pepper Potts, Tony faces off against Obadiah Stane and Justin Hammer clearly showing their movie influence. The show features AmericanFrench 3. D computer generated imagery and ran for two seasons and 5. Some story arcs in the show are loosely based on the comics, including Armor Wars and Stane International. Some notable characters in the show are Black Panther, The Hulk, S. H. I. E. L. D., Black Widow, Hawkeye, Doctor Doom, and Magneto. Rhodey also becomes Tony Starks crimefighting partner War Machine and Pepper Pots dons the armor of Rescue in the second season. Iron Man Armored Adventures got mixed reviews, but in 2. Pulcinella Award for Best TV Series for Teens. Meteor Man 1. 99. Unlike most of Marvels films, Meteor Man is not based on any Marvel comic book character. No, instead, Marvel put the superhero into their universe in a six issue spin off mini series released after the film. Robert Townsend directed, wrote, and starred as Jefferson Reed, aka Meteor Man. The film is about a school teacher who gets his superpowers after being hit by a meteor. He uses his powers to help out in his neighborhood, but they start to weaken when hes about to go up against a powerful drug syndicate. The movie was not well received but remains a fond memory for some of those who actually remember it. Meteor Man has a 2. Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer and a 3. Roger Ebert even said, The movie contains big laughs and moments of genuine feeling, but it seems to be put together out of assorted inspirations that were never assembled into one coherent story line. Ultimately, Ebert decided, If Meteor Man has settled for being a childrens movie, or a metaphor, or a comic revue, that might have been best unfortunately, its all over the map, and the good parts cant carry the rest. Doctor Strange 1. Before the Sorcerer Supreme became a member of the modern day Marvel Cinematic Universe, he starred in his very own film that no one remembers. It was created for TV and to kickstart a television show that never got off the ground. There were a lot of changes from the comics. For one, Dr. Stephen Strange, played by Petter Hooten Orca, The Inglorious Bastards, works as a psychiatrist in a psychiatric hospital. Hes mentored by Merlin from Arthurian lore and he fights against an evil entity and Morgan le Fay, played by Jessica Walter Archer, Arrested Development. The Hollywood Reporter gave a detailed account about the high hopes CBS had for the TV film. They actually thought this would be their big thing, but the TV movie ended up getting really bad ratings. Clyde Kusatsu, who played Stranges assistant Wong in the film, mentioned that I dont think the public was ready for that kind of otherworldliness. If you looked around that time, if you look at the old Hulk thing, it was pretty primitive. But we did the best we could without a lot of greenscreen, CGI and all of that stuff. It was a great experience. The film is remembered rather fondly for its cheesy nature now, but at the time it was actually a pretty ambitious project that could have made for a unique TV experience. Avengers United They Stand 1. Its hard to make a good Avengers TV series when other companies own the more popular characters at the time. This animated series focused on the West Coast Avengers roster from 1. Ant Man, the Wasp, Wonder Man, Tigra, Hawkeye, Falcon, the Vision, and the Scarlet Witch. Licensing originally forbade them from using Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor but Captain America and Iron Man do make appearances, as does Thor in the intro. Roland Poindexter, Vice President and Head of Programming at Fox Kids, said it worked because they were a group of second string characters as far as their powers are concerned, living under this powerful legacy left by Iron Man, Thor and Captain America. They constantly feel the pressure of living up to that legacy. We think that makes for a much more interesting show. Fox wanted the series, thanks to the success of Batman Beyond 1. Avengers United They Stand was set in the future. The show only lasted for 1. Sadly, these second stringers couldnt bring in the ratings like their more popular counterparts could. Man Thing 2. 00. Not to be confused with DCs Swamp Thing or a double entendre, Man Thing actually appeared first in the comics. He may look similar, but he does have some different powers that have a real kick to them including the ability to make men who feel fear combust into flames with a simple touch. This science fiction film takes place in a swamp where an oil tycoons men visit a swamp and plan to drill it for oil. However, they all end up mysteriously disappearing. While investigating the situation, the sheriff meets the mythical Man Thing. The film bombed and received mostly negative reviews. Today, its widely considered one of the worst live action Marvel movies. Its a real shame, because a movie like this had potential. Maybe Marvel will remember their creature from the swamps and finally give him the movie he deserves. After they make another 5. X Men movies and TV shows, of course. Spider Woman 1. The animated Spider Woman series, besides featuring Jessica Drew as a woman with spider like powers, differed completely from the comic books of the time. As a child, Jessica Drew got bitten by a deadly spider, but she was saved by her father, a scientist, who created an experimental serum. She could also communicate with spiders. Jessicas life was saved and there were some super side effects. She was able to create concussive venom blasts, had spider sense, and got super hearing as well. She could also communicate with spiders and do other super feats even her comic book counterpart could not accomplish. Now all grown up, Jessica works as an editor at Justice Magazine by day and battles criminals by night as Spider Woman. The show featured a bizarre assortment of villains. Some of the enemies she went up against included classic movie monsters like Dracula, the Wolf Man, Frankensteins monster, and alien mummies. Spider Man even guest starred. However, all of that combined didnt stop the show from only lasting 1. Dev Adam Captain America and Santo vs. Spider Man 1. 97. Dev Adam 3 Giant Men, also known as Captain America and Santo vs. Spider Man, is a Turkish film that rips off Marvel characters without worrying about pesky copyright issues. In the film, Captain America teams up with the luchador wrestler known as Santo.