Watch ATLAS the Robot Autonomously Fall Off a Stage. ATLAS is an incredible machine. Theres no way around that. First unveiled in 2. This level of sophistication is exactly why its so damn funny when ATLAS fucks up. Boston Dynamics, the company that builds this incredible robot, recently gave a presentation at the Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders. It was a pretty normal dog and pony show for the company. ATLAS walked around the stage autonomously, while a human guided Spot. Mini the dogbot across the stage with a controller. Everything was going great until it came time for ATLAS to exit the stage. Even though the robot had successfully pulled off the maneuver in rehearsal, ATLAS really ate it during the actual performance. By the looks of it, ATLAS caught his foot on a stage light and just went ass over elbows through the back curtain. But again, how can we be mad at ATLAS This robot is a true feat of human engineering and ingenuity. Armies of them might even fight wars for us one day. Which brings us back to that Terminator reference. Were probably doomed to die at the feet of ATLAS in the inevitable robot uprising, so we might as well get our yuks in now. TNW. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Redline Turns 1. 0 This Year And It Remains The Best Worst Car Movie. So far, 2. 01. 7 hasnt given us much to look at, unless you enjoy watching protracted dumpster fires. So, of course, the logical thing to do is to look back. Ten years, to be exact, which brings us to 2. Redline. Have you seen this movie Its about a bunch of bored as shit rich dudes who get drivers to race their supercars against each other for million dollar bets on public roads, closed off airports and desert highways. Americas sweetheart Nadia Bjorlin plays Natasha, a mechanic that quit racing after the tragic death of her race car driver father, who was killed at the track. Nevertheless, she still gets roped into driving for these lunatics and winds up getting kidnapped by one of the rich guys, who also happens to be an insane creep, like most actual rich guys. A number of explosions, fistfights and gratuitous shots of shifting and tachometer climbing needles later, all conflicts are settled and the good guys walk away, still good. Hot cars and HOTTER women, a critic raved. Redline is also infamous, and probably most remembered today, for being that movie where Eddie Griffin wrecked a Ferrari Enzo at Irwindale Speedway. The Enzo belonged to the films producer, Daniel Sadek, who was also the owner of Quick Loan Funding, a home loans company, which was accused of predatory lending. Of course, once the housing bubble burst, Quick Loan Funding went out of business. CNBCs House of Cards documentary finally proves what weve suspected forRead more Read. Everything is terrible. But anyway Sadek would use the earnings from Quick Loan Funding to buy exotic cars and produce movies like Redline. His personal cars made appearances in the film, including the Enzo and a Porsche Carrera GT that was also wrecked for production value. Knowing all of that kind of left a bad taste in my mouth as I revisited Redline again last night, but once I started the film, I gave myself up entirely to the gaudy superimposed titles, bad CGI, extreme douchebaggery, and the butts. My god, there were so many butts. You might not instantly associate Drew Barrymore with horror, but the Hollywood veteran has a solid association with the genre, going all the way back to Firestarter. Dino Tube. com The Best Porn Tube Movies Site. Welcome to Dino Tube Watch free porn movies in tube style without having to switch back to your movie player. The decision comes at a precarious time for autonomous vehicle developers. Congress is currently debating legislation to help speed up the development of the. Have you seen this movie Its about a bunch of boredasshit rich dudes who get drivers to race their supercars against each other for milliondollar bets on. Dare I say it Yes there are way more pointless butt shots in this movie than there are in all the Fast and Furious movies combined. At its uppermost level, Redline is a shallow, crap picture. The acting is abhorrent, the lines are flat and everything feels cheap. Puss In Boots 2: Nine Lives And 40 Thieves Free Online Movie here. It takes itself just seriously enough to be utterly mockable, like its the last one in on the joke. It embodies the very worst parts of car culture gluttony, misogyny, female objectification, overt aggression, excessive testosterone and wanton disregard for public safety and discourse. But man, are the cars good. Here is a link that may or may not include the entire movie that you may or may not click on at your own discretion. Redline came out during what was, in retrospect, one of the greatest eras of supercars. The most high end cars of the 2. They had monstrous engines, some supercharged and some not. A lot of them were manuals and if they werent, they had brutal, single clutch semi automatic transmissions. The ones that kicked you in the back of the head when you shifted. Within nearly 9. 0 minutes of dated color correction, tasteless split screen shots and pointless plot, youll see a Lamborghini Murcilago, Mercedes Benz SLR Mc. Watch The Hole Movie Dino Time 3d DvdThe TRex Skull from MakerBot Academy comes complete with a lesson plan that explores characteristics of the moststudied dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, costar Bill Pullman admitted that he didnt watch Star Wars before costarring in Spaceballs, meaning he didnt. Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a soft robot that is capable of walking on rough surfaces, such as sand and pebbles. This update will see the death of the old email program Outlook Express, as well as the depreciation of the popular Paint application. As Microsoft told Gizmodo back. Laren, Ford GT, Ferrari F4. Porsche Carrera GT, Saleen S7, Lamborghini Diablo, Ferrari Enzo and a Koenigsegg CCX. These cars were uncomfortable. They were loud. They ate gas like motherfuckers. They had wings, flares and gills. Had wide and bold angles that so defined their 2. And most times, they werent even engineered perfectly so they were dangerous. That part of them were features, not defects. Hybrid power Thats for Priuses, you hippie bastard. And best of all, you got to hear them in Redline. You got to see them move, speed and drift. How often do you see one of these cars at a Cars and Coffee event and its just parked there, not going anywheresilent. Cars, especially these ones, are meant to be driven and enjoyed. For that reason, Redline is great. Dont watch it for the story, dont watch it for the actors. But if youre tired of international heist movies, maybe this box office bomb is worth a revisit.