Rolando Molina IMDb. Rolando Molina was born Rolando Argueta Molina in San Salvador, El Salvador, and came to the U. S. at a very young age along with his single mother Ana and younger brother Mario. Rolando and his family struggled to pursue the American dream. All three stayed with family and friends and finally settled down in the suburbs of North Hollywood,. Tearjerker American Dad Wikia. Tearjerker. In a parody of James Bond, CIA agent Stan Smith must defeat evil genius Tearjerker. Watch TV series online. TV Shows like drama, comedy, horror, thriller, science fiction series and more with complete episode guide of this series. Watch All Seasons of American Dad the episodes are update at the last. Boundin` Movie Photo. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. American Dad is an American adult animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker, and Matt Weitzman, for the Fox Broadcasting Company. Set in the fictional. The settlement is expected to be signed as early as tomorrow, but New GM could complicate matters, because it says the arrangement is a contrived scheme that. Human verification leave this field empty. Ride 2017. Ride S01E17 Ride S01E11 E12 Ride S01E08 E10 Ride S01E07 Ride S01E03 E06. Nearly 2,000 automotive mechanics in the Chicago area are about to enter their seventh week on strike, fighting dealers for major structural changes to their employment. After Gums boat tour of the plan leads Stan and Sexpun right into the villains office, which Tearjerker is pissed about, saying that yeah the contractor who I got. The She Cleans Up Nicely trope as used in popular culture. A character who has been presented to the audience as not particularly attractive cleans up, puts. Season 4 Episode 1. Total Episode Count 5. Prod. no. 3. AJN0. QotJ0QV4lk/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Watch New "American Dad!" Dope And Faith Online' title='Watch New "American Dad!" Dope And Faith Online' />First Aired January 1. Guest Starring Don La. Fontaine. Featuring Stan Smith as Stan Smith. Roger as Tearjerker. Francine Smith as Sexpun TCome Also Appearing Hayley Smith as Miss Peacenickel. Klaus Heissler as Tchochkie Schmear. Steve Smith as S. Snot, Barry, Toshi as Ss assistants. Avery Bullock as B. Greg Corbin as Peddie. Terry Bates as Manny. Doyle as the Monte Carlos Casinos bartender. Chuck White as Professor. Captain Monty as Gums. Bad Larry, Ted Feedler, Danny, Earl, Franz, Matthew Mc. Conaughey, Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Adrien Brody, Halle Berry, Matt Damon, Lucy Liu, Michael Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, George Clooney, Richard Gere, Kevin Bacon, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Jon Stewart, Robert De Niro, Bill Cosby, Danny De. Vito, Mr. T, Jason Alexander, Julia Roberts, Bill Pullman, Bill Nye, Elizabeth IIDirector Albert Calleros. Assistant Director Aldin Baroza. Writers Jonathan Fener. Storyboarders Erik Kuska, Bao Nguyen, Steve Wong. Newspaper Headline No Headline Plot Stan and other characters play roles in a Bond style spoof. In it, Stan plays a 0. B Bullock to infiltrate the set of arms dealer suddenly turned movie producer Tchochkie Schmear Klaus. While in Tunisia, Stan discovers that Schmear has been hired by the diabolical Tearjerker Roger, a business tycoon who has been abducting celebrities from his spa and replacing them with celebrity robots that make horrible movies and malfunction when exposed to milk. After being helped by Tearjerkers henchwoman Sexpun TCome Francine, Stan realizes that Tearjerker plans to use his masterpiece Oscar Gold, the best and saddest movie ever about a mentally retarded alcoholic Jewish boy and his cancer ridden puppy during the Holocaust, to cause millions of moviegoers to cry themselves to death. After Gums boat tour of the plan leads Stan and Sexpun right into the villains office, which Tearjerker is pissed about, saying that yeah the contractor who I got to build this place really screwed me bad. He ties them up and forces them to watch Oscar Gold with millions of people around the world. Everyone is on the verge of crying to death, but Stan remembers that Sexpun has a ring in her pocket that was given to him by S Steve, whose gadgets only make womens breasts grow. He urges her to put it on, which causes Sexpuns breasts to swell so large that they break the ropes, allowing her to set herself and Stan free. Discovering the real celebrities in Tearjerkers dungeon, Stan records a video of them with their baby and posts it on the Internet. All the movie goers then get phone calls about the celebrity baby and go home to see them online. Tearjerker then unleashes his soldiers to kill Stan. However, as they descend on ropes from his blimp, they plummet through the floor of Tearjerkers poorly built office Stan then climbs up their ropes onto the blimp. Tearjerker tries to flee in an escape pod, planning on creating a more successful movie about a baby chimp trying to revive his dead mother for hours. However, the shoddy construction causes the pod to fall into a volcano with Tearjerker cursing the contractor who he hired to build his hide out. In the end, Stan and Sexpun get married, though it is unknown how long their relationship will last since Sexpun realizes that Stan was, up until their honeymoon, a virgin. As they make love, Tearjerkers arm rises from the volcanic crater.